What are your personal metrics for measuring the success of a presidency?


Well-Known Member
Working with opposition to solve domestic issues, not getting involved in foreign affairs, decreasing the deficit, etc.

How do you personally measure if a presidency is successful or not?


Well-Known Member
How do you personally measure if a presidency is successful or not?
Is the incumbent alive at the end of his term?


Well-Known Member
What are your personal merits for measuring the "sucess" of a presidency ? ?

Sucess to who ? ?

The citizens ? ? Not in my lifetime


Well-Known Member
If 34 National Science Academies agree, then it must be SCIENCE!!!!111@#1!1!!

Because Obolacare Immigration Benghazi.


Well-Known Member
If 34 National Science Academies agree, then it must be SCIENCE!!!!111@#1!1!!
Because Obolacare Immigration Benghazi.
If climate change is your key issue, you're in the wilderness.

One party won't do anything.

The other one won't do enough to make a difference.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Working with opposition to solve domestic issues, not getting involved in foreign affairs, decreasing the deficit, etc.

How do you personally measure if a presidency is successful or not?

The best President is an oxymoronic term. The worst one is the one in power at present because all of the previous douche bags accumulated power is then passed onto the present douche bag.

Although, I do think Calvin Coolidge came close to being okay as his policy was to leave people the fuck alone.