what are we to make of this?

i live in canada where our laws are slack we pay high tax and come to war zone with pitch forks n axes. god i love this land :D oh and did i mention if u get busted with a 1/4 all they do is say dnt and take it from u. haha


Well-Known Member
You now have a President that doesn't know his ass from a hole in a ground and certainly doesn't know how the world works in politics. He is solely a puppet of the machine that got him elected. His only concern now is how to tighten the grip around the freedoms that many of us have fought and died for. Hear all the nothing we can do crap coming out of the country, for all of you that think this you have a rude awaking coming soon. You are going to wake up to more terror attacks, less freedom, more taxes and less avenues available to voice your dissent. I served my country proudly and I have now left my country proudly while I still could. I live in Costa Rica and I watch the TV and read the papers with great interest seeing the country slip through the fingers of all those that sit and think there is nothing that can be done. You need to read history and you need to voice your opinions the assholes in office today. The government still will listen but time is quickly running out that you still have a voice. Either get involved or move your assets out of the country....the time is coming you won't be able to.
I wholeheartedly respect that you served this country, for that I always give thanks, with that being said, I do have an issue.

You leave the USA than tell others to get off their asses and fight this problem, well gee whiz thanks for that, everybody has a right to leave, and I dont know if you claim US citizenship and simply live abroad, but we need all reasonable americans to stand together if indeed we ever do fight this.


Well-Known Member
I wholeheartedly respect that you served this country, for that I always give thanks, with that being said, I do have an issue.

You leave the USA than tell others to get off their asses and fight this problem, well gee whiz thanks for that, everybody has a right to leave, and I dont know if you claim US citizenship and simply live abroad, but we need all reasonable americans to stand together if indeed we ever do fight this.
To quote Franklin, "Where Liberty is, there is my country."


New Member
North Korea reminds me of that movie, "Wag the dog". Basically a country stirs the shit with the US untill it loses, then as a loser it can be bailed out and recieve mega- rebuilding funds.If the CIA was as Potent as it claims, why can't they just go in and wipe out these despots, start a coup, or just snipe them off? Seems that the US needs to have a few despots around the globe, to blame the reason to have such an almighty military on. Without the fear they can beat us down with, most intelligent citizens would balk at the enormous price we pay for our military, more than all the rest of the worlds countries combined, Re-Fucking-diculous.


Well-Known Member
Why do they have to do this shit on our Independence Day? :?

Wow 7 ballistic missiles. If that isn't provoking, I don't know what is.

They are doing it on the anniversery of kim jongs father or one of their former dictators, not to deliberately piss off america.