What are the signs to stop nutes?


Active Member
I am at week 7 of flowering and my guess is to continue with nutes another week at minimum maybe two.

What are some of the signs to look for to know when to stop nutes? If anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. Here are some photos of the girls let me know how they look.


Well-Known Member
You are a long way from being finished.

I see a lot of three finger fans in those pics. I had a plant do this due to some extreme stresses and it was very slow to finish. The nugs were very small and wispy and not very potent...


Active Member
dude you look like you in week 3 or 4 get a bulking agent and something for your sugars and you know wean all the fan leafes turn yellow and the hairs are tirning and the heads will definitely tell you wean they get a whitish color than start to flush