What are the odds?

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member
Years ago I was going out with girl that had two kids. If I had to guess I would say they were 8 and 10, anyways I took them to this little festival and they had a blast and all was good. We leave the festival and I turn on the highway heading south. I make it a few miles down the road and we see there's been an accident. I tried to get by it but a cops steps out and stops me. Apparently the medical chopper is on route and their holding traffic back so it could land.

The body is literally right next to us, maybe 8 feet away. It's covered in a sheet but soaked in blood. Pretty gruesome sight.

My girlfriend is freaking out. Telling the kids don't look, don't look. Then she tells me she needs to get outta there and she wants to get out and just run away from there. I'm just trying to calm her down and keep her in the car. Finally the cop says to go, the chopper had been called off.

Later that night we find out that it was her x husband under the sheet. The kids dad. I just couldn't believe the odds of that happening. To be stopped right next to him literally minutes after he died. The kids actually seeing their dad's death. Terrible.

I had pretty much forgotten about it, but woke up this morning thinking about it for some reason. Thought i'd share.


Staff member
thats messed up man, i guess when shit like that happens like too real, or too much of a coincidence I chalk it up to..no no that actually would happen..we live in a bizarre world thats for sure

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member
Yeah sorry, I don't know why I posted that. I don't post often, yet when I do it's some morbid shit on a beautiful Sunday.


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy. I hope that those kids weren't told the truth about what they saw.........were they told? Please say no. Thats just too much.


Active Member
what a travesty man. but its often experiences like that that makes people strong as fuck.... the mom got dealt a hard ass hand with that situation too. i could not imagine talking to my son about his mothers death. would be hard for any parent.