What are the cops in your area like regarding weed?


I'm just curious what it's like in different countries and areas, here in my area they're pretty lenient (depending on the cop(s) ofcourse). I got pulled once while I was high as a kite around about 2am, they knew I was absolutely ripped, they just did a quick search (I made sure I didn't have anything on me before I left, paraphernalia, bud, etc so i knew I was relatively safe) and let me get on my way when they could have called in a highway patrol (the only cop cars in my area with roadside drug tests) and got me charged on the spot. But it was nice that there's still some cops out there that don't want to make your life hell

Anybody got any other stories, good or bad?


if my electrician was being honest, the cops don't respond to calls about neighbors growing here.

boulder county, colorado.
It's not legal here in Australia is a shame. In my town basically as long as you don't have any on you, you don't grow massive amounts, and you don't deal you're pretty safe to be honest (again, depending on the cop, there can be some real pricks sometimes). They kinda realised that there's more important issues and crimes going on


Well-Known Member
Cops don't like to drive 20 miles out of their way then another 1/2 mile up a dirt road to get to my property. I never cause any trouble. I've never had an incident in town ( I keep my head low, and only show up when necessary). It's all about making yourself invisible. That, or grease those piggies with some dough....


Well-Known Member
Nazis fucks that use cannabis as an excuse to hassle the youth of our town, the n02 pig of our town was caught having sex with another officer ....lol


They pretty relaxed out here. I hook up two retired cops and a cops husband regularly.
That sounds pretty sketchy hahaha.

There's a cop on our local force that grows his own way up in the bush. I saw him driving back with about 10 plants in the back of his ute once (ute = the australian equivalent to and American pickup truck). He pulled me up one day when I had my bong and about 3-4 grams on me and he threatened to confiscate it, and then I threatened to confiscate some of his in return. He shut his mouth and drive off straight after, good times


Well-Known Member
Don't waste their time. They focus on actual criminals. plenty of those hereabouts.
I've been out and about and been shocked at how many guys are blatantly letting it rip.


Don't waste their time. They focus on actual criminals. plenty of those hereabouts.
I've been out and about and been shocked at how many guys are blatantly letting it rip.
There's not too much crime here which is unfortunate in a weird way because cops don't have too much to do other than pick on stupid stuff like going 1km over the posted speed limit or not stopping for 3 seconds at a stop sign. They have to meet a monthly revenue quota (they say they don't have one, absolute bullshit) so if they've got you 100% on something like smoking a blunt infront of them you're screwed, but if you just keep to yourself and don't draw attention they're usually pretty cool about it. But obviously if you've got smoke pouring out of your car or house or they catch a strong smell of it they do something about it

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
In my area the cops be like drop the dope now... then they throw you at the curb and tell you your a gangster then i tell them i have a medical card and they say o shit im sorry...

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
The cops here will bust you for anything they can find to charge you with.
It's all about money, not so much the law.

If you call to report a crime, they start asking you questions and start poking around you, your car or property.
If called, they see it as money.
The department is run like a delivery service.


In my area the cops be like drop the dope now... then they throw you at the curb and tell you your a gangster then i tell them i have a medical card and they say o shit im sorry...
The only way you get medical bud here is for terminal illness (aids, inoperable cancer, etc) which is rather terrible. Our cops aren't too violent as long as you dont piss them off, if you're busted and you just go with it you'll get treated pretty well considering the circumstances but if you run or fight back you'll get thrown on the ground and cuffed pretty quick. And cooperation goes a really long way in our justice system here


The cops here will bust you for anything they can find to charge you with.
It's all about money, not so much the law.

If you call to report a crime, they start asking you questions and start poking around you, your car or property.
If called, they see it as money.
The department is run like a delivery service.
Our traffic and patrol police are exactly like that depending on the mood they're in. Sometimes you could get a cop on the end of his shift after you just ripped a massive burnout infront of them and he'll tell you to go because he couldn't be bothered doing the paperwork. But you can also get cockheaded highway patrol officers that defect (that's Australias term for not being able to drive your car until you get whatever it is fixed) the slightest things and make up bullshit reasonable suspicions to search your car, it's all luck pretty much

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
A ute is more of a El Camino

I don't look like a stoner, hippie, criminal, douche bag, tough guy, so the cops have no reason to think twice about me.

I do go to the hydro store and have seeds sent to my house so there is that.


Well-Known Member
My only scare came many years ago and it taught me a valuable lesson.
I chose to grow on some rural property that had several ponds that I fished
it had everything I thought I would need during those hot southern summers to ensure a nice crop only one way in no one lived on the dirt road that was over a mile long there were 100's of acres out there with good water. The season went well I could park at my parents house and walk in which I did most of the time and I also drove a delivery truck that once per week allowed me to be in that area and took that opportunity to check on everything .
My plants had started showing their sex so I had weeded out the males and had only females the biggest crop I had ever had. One day during the week I stopped at the parents house to pay a visit to the grow I walked in and as I got close to the area I knew something wasn't right so I stopped and listened for any strange sounds feeling a bit uncomfortable I retreated back to my truck and continued my day. My curiosity finally got the better of me so I got a very good friend of mine and we went back the next day and we both walked in from different directions as we made our way in my friend whistled to me which was our sign that we had saw or found something after waiting for a while he whistled again......I made my way to where he was he was standing on a creek bank he asked me did I notice anything I stopped and started looking and realized that he was standing in a cleared out area that had a small fence maybe 18 inches high and inside that fence were 10 cut off stalks where plants had once been they were as big around as a mans arm we gathered ourselves and continued looking and found 12 more spots like the first one he had found all had been cut off very close to the ground but the last one had a bandana on one of the poles for the fence and a business card from one of the cops that had been involved in the eradication of 100's of plants and on his card was a little message for the gardens tenders about calling the local police department to reclaim the plants. What we later found out was that a state DOT worker stumbled on to one of the grow sights while checking out drainage pipes under the road where the creek ran thru.......even though the local cops thought they had taken everything there were plenty of plants that hadn't been fully taken down they left a small limb on the bottom of the stalk that developed into nice plants we ended up with a nice crop after all... that happened almost 30 years ago and after that I never again grew more than I could use for myself and I never grew on anyone's property but my own.......never had any problems since other than nosey neghibors that I quickly handled


In my town, it's one of their main focuses. If you deal, they'll try all types of undercover stings to bust you. Plus all the surrounding K-9 units are trained in town. Luckily I live in the swamp outskirts and try to keep my nose clean :bigjoint: