What are the best


Well-Known Member
Wanting to find out what the best way to transport seedlings or clones. To that oudoor garden. Everyone seems to hav diffrent ways was hopping to hear a couple of ideas to try. Plan on starting them inside going to try clones this will be the fisrt time so do not know if it will go very well? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Just getting some diffrent ideas for next year. Cuz I figure some newbie has this running through his head. Like me I am thinking of a way to transport clones rooted in coca? But not sure if you can plant it in the ground like jiffy pots. So when I start I amm planning on putting out 100 to 150 clones that way I do not hav to worry about sexxing them. I will start a thread when I start and will hav pic of trying to clone and using a 2 liter so each plant has it own dome.