What are shrooms like?


Well-Known Member
I want to pick some up, i can get them really easy around where i live. I just want to know what the high/trip is like.

If you ever took them tell me what you felt. Will smoking some bud help?


Well-Known Member
it can be weak or intense depending on amount ingested the feeling is wierd like not to visual walls breath like the room can expand when you exhale and shrink when you inhale patterns kinda do like a kalidiscope thing the body feeling can range from practically paralysed to fuzzy and warm, colors are intesified, somepeople can eat some people cant but food can taste amazing, smoking weed can deff help but can intensify effects also id start with low amount for your first time and work your way up you will find your self on mushrooms and everything you feel can come spilling out the top of your head, average trips last about 6 hours from come up to come down on average but i've tripped for up to 15 on multiple doses through out the night

it can be differnt for differnt people but i think alot of those aspects are common
also you wouldn't be able to play it off if you had to so safe place for your first time


Well-Known Member
can be a roller coaster. I have done it a bit a while ago and i had only pleasent fun experiences. However i have been around people that didnt enjoy it at all. It can make you feel very awkward and paronoid, and if you let that get to you then i dont recommend it. I just role with the punches and laughed everything off cause after you get past the whats going on feeling its fun. If you dont get past it then your gonna have a unpleasent time. also it does greatly vary depending on the amount and type you take. An eigth is a normal dose, some people find it a bit to much. Maybe try a half an eigth at first.
at first you may experience a little confusion and become a little nauseous . Breath, this will pass, and once it does you'll be in a world much different then the one you remembered. If you remember it. Colors will be more vibrant and you will get a real sense of being one with everything around you. then you start peaking and you get a case of unexplainable nonsense!!!! enjoy!!!! Be sure to have a sitter!!!!


Well-Known Member
Definitely a rollercoaster, especially for your first time. Probably half of the people who I know consumed mushrooms never vowed to do it again, like me. But it intriqued me and I know for a fact that I didn't break through to the other side... so I tried again, and this time the experience just fell upon me like an epic journey. Sound distortions, weird energy feelings in the hands, feet, and stomach... a constant elevating feel when you sit down... things warp to small and big and pulsate.... one moment you can feel sober then the next get sucked back into the trip... its a trip, theres no specific roadmap to where it'll take you... so be prepared to be surprisede ;)

SB Garlic

Active Member
First time i took an 8th. It was weird but kinda cool. Pretty intense for me, my mind was thinking about a lot of different things in the world and it almost felt like I had a more clear view/thought of the world. I had some decent visuals too, things changing colors, walls or carpet "breathing." Also saw a lot of ants on the coffee table. The body high of shrooms is kindof weird and can sometimes make you feel a little bit sick. Never take shrooms around anyone who might be negative or have bad vibes, and dont take them indoors during the daytime.


Well-Known Member
for me it was what I thought weed was going to be like before I smoked it, my neighborhood looked kinda like it was in the simpsons, giggled a lot, I felt weird, had a lot of strange thoughts, but I just told myself: its all just silly shroom talk.
I had a great 8 hours, How Its Made marathon on the science channel oh yeah! theyre great if you have alot of time and not much to do with it, I'm honestly jealous man can hardly get those up here..


Well-Known Member
First time i took an 8th. It was weird but kinda cool. Pretty intense for me, my mind was thinking about a lot of different things in the world and it almost felt like I had a more clear view/thought of the world. I had some decent visuals too, things changing colors, walls or carpet "breathing." Also saw a lot of ants on the coffee table. The body high of shrooms is kindof weird and can sometimes make you feel a little bit sick. Never take shrooms around anyone who might be negative or have bad vibes, and dont take them indoors during the daytime.
Taking shrooms especially for your first experience, must in a sense have a desinanted trip sitter. Afterwards, when you have the qualifable talent of tripping solo, it has the transcendant quality, of a perfect peace of mind!
Taking shrooms especially for your first experience, must in a sense have a desinanted trip sitter. Afterwards, when you have the qualifable talent of tripping solo, it has the transcendant quality, of a perfect peace of mind!
i agree, you absolutely need a sitter for your first few journeys, but once you know how strong your mind is, tripping alone can be very beneficial and spiritual.


I actually dont like smoking weed on shrooms..... It disorients me. Like not in a good way. However, with acid I can smoke and feel so totally connected.

I also like to mix cid and shrooms. Then smoking is like the icing on the cake


Well-Known Member
i see it as a interpersonal meeting, where you can sit down with yourself and get to know yourself better. i always seem to have moments of realization and messages. like my first trip could be described as "sometimes it may be easier to follow the person in front of you, but its ok to forge your own path every once and a while" i know i sound like a tard, but its like trying to describe what it feels to get kicked in the nuts to a woman....


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is my partner in all trips of the mind and body
Lol same :D I never go with out having a nice rolled joint before starting one of my journeys.

i see it as a interpersonal meeting, where you can sit down with yourself and get to know yourself better. i always seem to have moments of realization and messages. like my first trip could be described as "sometimes it may be easier to follow the person in front of you, but its ok to forge your own path every once and a while" i know i sound like a tard, but its like trying to describe what it feels to get kicked in the nuts to a woman....​
I know exactly what you mean bro don't worry you don't sound like a tard lol.


my first mushroom trip was truly spectacular. i went to see the new Alice in Wonderful in 3D after eating about 2 grams. the colors were soooooooo beautiful and brilliant, it was the prettiest thing i've ever seen. The big blue cat poofing up out of nowhere in space was my favorite thing to watch haha.

it really depends on your setting. the most important part of preventing bad trips and freakouts is to just have a comfortable setting. You don't want anyone you aren't very cool with talking to you. ive honestly met girls in the street walking around campus before. and its not something you want to happen lol, i was thinking about the impression someone might get of me if they knew i was tripping mushrooms at that moment haha. but aside from strangers, avoid dark music and sometimes tv can be too much. i always start getting uncomfortable and take my shirt off which just feels natural.

I love shrooms just talking about them makes me want to eat some tonight hahaha


Well-Known Member
No joint for me... If mushrooms or acid is taken... all I need is my enhanced senses to deliver the ultimate goods! Enhancing the experience is internal!


mushroom trips can vary massively. There are so many variables to take into account such as dosage, setting and the mood you are in beforehand. If depends which species you take but the ones that I pick in the uk here are called Liberty Caps (psilocybe semilanceata) are pretty strong. If you take a low dose of 0.5 you feel very happy and giggly. Coming up is the best bit, you cant stop laughing. after half an hour things get very slightly odd and you trip slightly, things start glowing and shining slightly and colours become more vibrant. If you do a larger dose of 1.5 grams and up then things can get really intense. The coming up part is more intense and not so laughable. It can be hard to keep control of your thoughts and that can sometimes lead to bad trips if you are not in the right environment. When the hallucinations begin it is alot more full on, things start moving. Patterns come alive and your whole vision becomes blurry and you see things start wobbling like jelly. You can start to see crazy shapes in everyday objects. Once i was tripping and I was outside, looking up at the stars, I could see the shape of a star in the clouds that were drifting passed. If you are planning on doing shrooms I would advise you to start on a low dose, have a smoke beforehand so you are nice and relaxed, eat around 0.5 - 1.g and go for a walk outside. It is much nicer being outdoors when on shrooms, the trees look amazing and you dont feel confined to a small room. oh and also, I wouldnt eat them on your own. its much nicer and more fun to be with some mates.


Active Member
I have done them a bunch of time and loved it every time.

Its basicly like your super super high you have a ton of engergy you can drink anything like fish You may get some trails for visuals but you will never feel out of control like you can on acid were you cant stop the trip no mater what on shroom you will still know whats going on. I think they are wicked fun.

Tastle like stytrofoam poop.

I normaly take about an 1/8th to myself