What Actualy Happens In The Dark Time Of Flowering?


Well-Known Member
Ive always been curious about this

Has anybody ever seen or got a night vision time lapse of what they do?


Well-Known Member
well ive done searching and I cant seem to find a video but with night vision and infrard they out off light that the plant can use so even in you taped it the plant would just be do the same as if a normal light stretching towards the light but this is what happens with the cannabis plant

Plants do respire at night. It does not require light to take place. This is a process of releasing energy, kind of the opposite to photosynthesising. Photosynthesis is the preparation of the dinner, respiration is the dining process and the belching and flatulence that follows. When a plant respires, it releases carbon dioxide ( at a lower rate than it takes in ), oxygen, heat, water. It occurs on a cellular level with all living things. Transpiration, on the other hand is the process by which plants release water through their leaves, stems, flowers and roots. It occurs during the process of photosynthesis and gets a break at nightime as plants need light to photosynthesize.

Brick Top

New Member
Some of what plants do at night would never show up on a video. During hours of darkness most plant functions greatly slow down or stop. Plants run on stored energy during periods of darkness and during periods of darkness the energy that would otherwise be allocated for functions that are greatly slowed down or stopped mostly goes to growth and while in flower the creation of THC. During hours of light most plant functions are operating and plants do have limited amounts of energy so energy allocation is more spread out and some plant functions, like growth and production of THC, are allocated less energy than during periods of darkness.


Well-Known Member
There was a video posted not too llong ago on here of a plant from "seed to weed" I wish I could find it, It kind of showed the plant "squatting down" at night and then pushing out and up during the day. It was very cool!



Well-Known Member
There was a video posted not too llong ago on here of a plant from "seed to weed" I wish I could find it, It kind of showed the plant "squatting down" at night and then pushing out and up during the day. It was very cool!


Yeah thats what i thort, i wonder if thats when the buds grow and the leaves rest.