Wet Herb


Active Member
Well I just picked up 4 grams short of an oz, from a friend of a friend, since my original dealers were out. When I got back to my place and looked at it, it looked like shit compared to the bomb stuff im used too getting. It was really dark and had a really bad smell, that didn't even smell like weed. But on top of all that it was damp, ive never not had weed that wasn't already properly dried and cured, so I just used common sense and left it in the open in my room all night. Its now shriveled and feels oddly crispier than most herb. The smell now resembles fried chicken or french fry grease (im used to picking up stuff that smells like actual weed or somewhat fruity).

Basically it feels almost too crispy and it doesn't have that stickyness on your fingers that all weed has when your packing. Im just wondering, should I leave it out in the open more, put it all in a jar for a few days curing or can I put this stuff in dime bags and get rid of it?