western new york

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New Member
Anyone in new york that can sell me seeds. i would be happy with ak-46, kush, or white widow . please speak up if your sellen or given


Well-Known Member
why not just jump over to Canada? or order from a seed bank like the rest of us? I do have a bunch of seed but I payed for them all and I'm not trying to sell any mostly cause you could get lucky and end up with the best pheno. Who knows maybe you'll meet up with one of the many online closet breeders just don't expect to get ak-47, kush or Black Widow and for all you know they could say they got whatever they want and just sell you there own hack for a lot more money. There really is no risk using seed banks if your paranoid about credit cards like me then send a money order and get breeder packs. how much you think someone is gonna charge you for something they paid $10 per seed for anyway? I know I'd want to at least double my money as once its grown out its worth a few hundred per seed minus males.


New Member
because nnevil likes rimmeo better the agreement was rimmo handles usa customers and referman handlles canada plus many dont like refermans past


New Member
I new order is on it's way to rimmeo which referman wont have we spent all night doing what you asked and your still mbusting ass whats up with that most everyone has purchased from rimmeo and are very happy whats your issue manybe we can solve it amongs men


New Member
customs are a bitch these day with all the technlogy why risk being on the black list and ther is a black list my brother works for th customs agency in maine


New Member
What's a seed bank? i ain't no dealer so no worry. this one girl gives us hundreds of seeds eash year but can't really tell what kind there are.
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