Well, 5 of 6 plants male -


Well-Known Member
I know it happens once in a while, but I just had to share my bummed-ness. In the past two days, 5 of my 6 latest Afghan plants (from seed) have gone male. I know that it happens, so I am just dealing with it. This is my latest medical grow and I decided to try some different seeds. I figured I would have maybe 2 or 3 females from the batch, but I guess it is not to be. Into the compost they go...:?

Good thing is, I took a clone from each of the last ones I grew and they are doing great. I know they are female, so not all is lost.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain, my last grow I ended up with 2/2 male G13xBuddha...I spent alot of time LSTing those plants :neutral:


I do not know if you are growing outside or not but. Planting seeds early seems to produce many more males, try to plant late spring to get more females.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the condolences, Hubert. I am sorry to hear about your experience. Guess it just goes to show that there are no guarantees when going from seed.

socalog, indoor grow. It is just one of those things.