welcome to the jungle... lol


Well-Known Member
I am sure in this forum this series of statements are all too redundant, however I am a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due. I have been growing for a quite sometime now, and have experimented as we all do when we start out. When I became legal I was overwhelmed with the amount of resources available and just flat out went nuts and over tended and in the process overfed and had terrible tasting low quality airy buds. So as is my nature, instead of tweaking or adjusting I completely started from scratch. Searching for the exact opposite of what I was doing I set out to make my grow room completely organic, get rid of my growing pile of bottled nutes, and let mother nature take over. I stumble across Subcools organics when looking for resources for my new method. In the past I had a tendency to want to be different at all costs and that usually meant taking the spoken gospel of a successful grower and trying to tweak it. But this time I decided to trust in one of the foremost authorities on organic cannabis and follow his word. I began using his super soil recipe for the simple fact that it takes all the guess work out of feeding and its chemical free. And now I am hooked, if these pics don't prove that subcools supersoil is the best way to grow organically in containers then I don't know what will. I cant thank you enough. I am growing my mothers in containers and my clones in homemade earth boxes all using nothing but root organics soil amended with 50% super soil and the growth is amazing the buds are phenomenal the taste is out of this world. These pics are of my current grow sour d and white russian. Sour is at 7 weeks. Again Subcool A billion thank yous.



Well-Known Member
Hey that's great! Nice set, and Organic too boot! Yeah I went organic too, and I am loving it. I do not use Roots Organic soil I prefer FoxFarm Ocean Forest over it. I did a side by side and the RO was lame compared to the FFOF. I think it is because the plants got a jump in veg (FFOF) being there is high N in FFOF and in the RO the plants where very slow growing in veg and I believe it is because RO is high in P and lacks N.
I used auto's (1st time) to dial in organics and get a understanding of it all. Well my auto's in FFOF pulled off 2-3oz per plant. I was stoked. I use Humboldts Naturals for organic nutes.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of organics where the tastiest buds are grown. I haven't used Subcool's super soil but make my own soil from scratch twice a year. Subcool does know his subject area and has helped countless people here for those that at least follow his line of reasoning.
I am able to make my grow without adding too much to the grow, usually molasses a few times a grow to help keep the soil healthy and to give the plants a little boost. I also add a horse manure tea a few times during the grow, this is not a huge N boost but also helps keep the soil healthy. Oh, I guess I should also add that during cloning, if in fact that is how I am doing my current grow I do use Super Thrive on my clones and I also give my plants a light misting each time I transplant to help with shock.
Happy Growing and once again welcome to wonderful world or organics.


Well-Known Member
Hey that's great! Nice set, and Organic too boot! Yeah I went organic too, and I am loving it. I do not use Roots Organic soil I prefer FoxFarm Ocean Forest over it. I did a side by side and the RO was lame compared to the FFOF. I think it is because the plants got a jump in veg (FFOF) being there is high N in FFOF and in the RO the plants where very slow growing in veg and I believe it is because RO is high in P and lacks N.
I used auto's (1st time) to dial in organics and get a understanding of it all. Well my auto's in FFOF pulled off 2-3oz per plant. I was stoked. I use Humboldts Naturals for organic nutes.
The entire point of using an organic living soil grow medium that supplies all plant requirements throughout a life cycle is the lack of need for vendor nutrient supplements. One doesn't get that pleasure with Fox Farms or Roots soils as their soil nutrient packages are purposely limited to require constant addition of expensive read profitable soluble nutrient supplements.


Well-Known Member
Ive been using roots organic as a base and if you read his recipe thats one of the bases he recommends quite highly. Though lately Ive found a local organic mix made at a local nursery it has a bit of chicken manure, and its half the price of commercial and its local. I only water with water, all the pics you see have never seen anything but fresh water and light since day one. Just the super soil recipe. Couldnt be happier. Not to be rude but why is it everyone has to add a suggestion to their post? Did I ask for help? lol, It seems everyones an expert I suppose......


Well-Known Member
Ive been using roots organic as a base and if you read his recipe thats one of the bases he recommends quite highly. Though lately Ive found a local organic mix made at a local nursery it has a bit of chicken manure, and its half the price of commercial and its local. I only water with water, all the pics you see have never seen anything but fresh water and light since day one. Just the super soil recipe. Couldnt be happier. Not to be rude but why is it everyone has to add a suggestion to their post? Did I ask for help? lol, It seems everyones an expert I suppose......
I'm agreeing with you. I also put everything a plant requires in the grow medium (regardless of the potting soil base used) and use only water, not soluble nutrient supplements. If you look at the threads in this 'organic' forum other than the sub-forum, 80% are shills for marketing driven vendor soluble nutrient supplements. Absolutely unnecessary with a properly prepared organic grow medium.


Well-Known Member
There are two types of organic growing, Psedu and TLO. DieselDawg never mentioned which he was doing. As for what you think is expensive, well we are in 2 different tax brackets amigo.
The entire point of using an organic living soil grow medium that supplies all plant requirements throughout a life cycle is the lack of need for vendor nutrient supplements. One doesn't get that pleasure with Fox Farms or Roots soils as their soil nutrient packages are purposely limited to require constant addition of expensive read profitable soluble nutrient supplements.


Well-Known Member
Ive been using roots organic as a base and if you read his recipe thats one of the bases he recommends quite highly. Though lately Ive found a local organic mix made at a local nursery it has a bit of chicken manure, and its half the price of commercial and its local. I only water with water, all the pics you see have never seen anything but fresh water and light since day one. Just the super soil recipe. Couldnt be happier. Not to be rude but why is it everyone has to add a suggestion to their post? Did I ask for help? lol, It seems everyones an expert I suppose......
I offer my 2 cent's and such just because I am the kind of person that likes to share what helps me and what does not in my garden. But hey I'm from Oregon and out here we share One Love.


Well-Known Member
Your absolutely right about a properly prepared grow medium, and sorry didnt mean to sound like a dick just get a bit defensive at times about my ladies. lol And I think that using soluble of any kind are counter productive to what Im personally looking for but I guess to each his own. Solubles and any kind of mix are still processed and contain some sort of chemically derived ingredients even if its just a preservative. Mother nature doesnt need it why should you smoke it?


Well-Known Member
There are two types of organic growing, Psedu and TLO. DieselDawg never mentioned which he was doing. As for what you think is expensive, well we are in 2 different tax brackets amigo.
Tax bracket has nothing to do with healthy plants. I prefer growing in a living soil without the latest fanboy nutrient supplements. To each his/her own.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya. I am pseudo organic which means I use products that are beneficial to the living organism's and instead of making my own through compost, etc. I simply buy certified organic nutrients that have no chemicals what so ever. I feed the soil and the soil feeds the plants.
Your absolutely right about a properly prepared grow medium, and sorry didnt mean to sound like a dick just get a bit defensive at times about my ladies. lol And I think that using soluble of any kind are counter productive to what Im personally looking for but I guess to each his own. Solubles and any kind of mix are still processed and contain some sort of chemically derived ingredients even if its just a preservative. Mother nature doesnt need it why should you smoke it?


Well-Known Member
The entire point of using an organic living soil grow medium that supplies all plant requirements throughout a life cycle is the lack of need for vendor nutrient supplements. One doesn't get that pleasure with Fox Farms or Roots soils as their soil nutrient packages are purposely limited to require constant addition of expensive read profitable soluble nutrient supplements.
I ca afford what you say is expensive. I do not see the price per ? I just purchase what is needed to keep a healthy pseudo organic garden.


Well-Known Member
Your absolutely right about a properly prepared grow medium, and sorry didnt mean to sound like a dick just get a bit defensive at times about my ladies. lol And I think that using soluble of any kind are counter productive to what Im personally looking for but I guess to each his own. Solubles and any kind of mix are still processed and contain some sort of chemically derived ingredients even if its just a preservative. Mother nature doesnt need it why should you smoke it?
It's part of a natural lifestyle choice. I prefer depending on a living soil providing everything plants require, including my decorative plants/lawns, rather than using something man-made poured out of a bottle.

Some of the most popular so-called organic nutrient supplements pitched on this forum are banned from sale in Oregon, where I live, due to pesticide content not disclosed on labeling. Many of the popular, heavily marketed supplement vendors don't even try and sell their products in Oregon.



Well-Known Member
I ca afford what you say is expensive. I do not see the price per ? I just purchase what is needed to keep a healthy pseudo organic garden.
I assure you I could afford to buy any of the aftermarket products available if I wanted to use them. I choose not buying them or their dependency.


Well-Known Member
Im also growing white russian from a seed that I found in a bag of fire from the dispensary, its 6 weeks in and the buds are huge but trich development is slow. This is the first plant Ive flowered of this strain and it just doesnt have the vigor my club cuts I have. Is this just a late maturing plant or should I cull it out of my collection. I have a pre 98 bubba kush and hashplant moms just waiting to throw some offspring in the oven. Anyone have any experience with the Russian girl.


Well-Known Member
always stoked to see organic indoor! great job and +rep! if you love organics check out my outdoor! the whole thing done for less than $100 in nutrients!


Well-Known Member
love the grow especially the vid with the blues, is that lighting hopkins . Big blues fan and huge fan of the dog youve got there. Ive got two bully heads myself 2 yr old dad and 4 mo. old daughter. For protection you know.... lol thanks for the rep



Well-Known Member
Thanks man and yeah that was lighting hopkins. youtube has a really weak music selection to add to your vids but for some reason there is a lot of good blues. I think it goes well with the plants too!