Welcome to my White Wonder Cape Cod Grow!


Active Member
Okay, I'm an amateur going pro. Still have so very much to learn... any idea what this is and at what stage it's in? I think it looks like a girl and she's grown 3 inches in two days in the new soil. Prior to that I have little to compare her (I hope she is a her) too. She first sprouted on August 21 in some peat. No nutes and questionable soil. Now at 12 inches. Can't sex it yet either. IMG00030-20100927-2206.jpgIMG00031-20100927-2206.jpgIMG00032-20100927-2207.jpg



Active Member
Okay, so my pH is at 7 after lots of mixing and a few days of sitting and I've still not added dolomitic lime (but I have it). To me that is high pH though my unknown plant seems to be enjoying the hell out of that soil. Three inches in three days now. Still don't know the sex of that one. I'm actually thinking I need to slightly acidify the soil. I have a Soil Acidifier consisting of: Sulfur (S).................30%
Free Sulfur (S)...........18%
Combined Sulfur (S)....12%
Edit: I know I keep editing but I keep forgetting... need more vape... vaaaaaape!!!
So, I forgot to ask what you think I ought to do for the maximum yield and safest and best possible method is?


Well-Known Member
You should try topping or FIM get multi tops definitely increases yeild dude. I ussually top multiple times during veg to get many tops plus it makes more of a bush perfect for cloning ; ) another way of increasing yeild also haha. And I use molasses near the end of veg and mid way through flower they say it increases yield but I don't notice a huge difference when I use it except my buds seem to get more crystally and covered in trichs when I use it so thats a plus.
And correct me if i'm wrong (which I may be) but I think a ph of 7 is completely neutral I wouldn't mess with the ph just yet. If the plants growing vigorously I'd just leave it as is bro.


Active Member
Thank you again SkunkyBud. 7 is neutral. The mic really looked nice. After adding the lime I had to counteract it with organic acidic stuff, I don't want to add tons of crap to the soil in case it effs up and I have what is supposed to be a great start for beginer growers... I hope it doesn't eff up things. Forgive me for asking but where might you suggest I look for some info on FIM (I've never heard of that term). Also, I want to clone and top, but I'm scared to top... can you remember how it was for you? I'm afraid I'll do something bad (that will hurt the yield). I do want to get a rocking yield (and hell yeah, I gots me molasses!) but I also want buds everywhere (without expensive nutes that I currently don't have the money for)... actually, I'm counting on a large yield so I can reinvest in some great grow gear and more awesome seeds and so on. You better come visit when the harvest comes. My intent is to show my thanks to friends who help others as a thank you and share the yield. Plus, I may be broke but I've got a nice pad here so it's a great spot for chillin'. Thanks again bro!


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude messing around with the ph could lead to nute lockout I believe thats why I usually don't ph my girls if their looking good. I'd say only ph when you notice a problem to help diagnose the problem. And trust me bro topping isn't as scary as u think after the 1st time you do it and see how it works you'll think its cool shit and you will do it fearlessly every time. And here are the 2 best resources for FIM'ing and topping should help you out dude. Taking the top completley off I notice I get 2 tops every time when I FIM i get 2-3 so on my last plant I had it had so many tops cuz i fimed it earlier in veg and topped the 3 tops I had so I had 6 tops and it was a pain in the ass to harvest, last night hahah. I ended up trimming with my homeboy for 4 hours straight his girlfriend showed up all excited and just left cuz she didn't realize how tedious it was lol. And yeah dude mos def when harvest time comes and you need some extra hands to help manicure I'm down man. I'll bring some smoke down and we can get "medicated" as we trim hahah. When it comes time send some sorta contact info via PM. Oh and when I come down I'll bring some seeds I suspect are now feminized me and my buddy popped a total of 5 seeds out of our nugs and we previously a few weeks back found a rather large hermi plant that was on the side of the road right infront of his neighbors house which was loaded with seeds and you could see the pollen flying off this thing our plant was over 100+ yards away but I believe we accidently pollenated it with shit we had stuck on our clothes. But we are gunna grow one on 12/12 to see the sex if the hermi we found was female before it hermied that would mean we have feminized seeds of some blueberry x og kush x random shit haha. I'm sorta pissed and stoked about it at the same time but fuck dude what can I do the damage has been done and I'ma make the best of it. Fuck I'm stoned I may have rambled some there.


Well-Known Member
5.8-6.5 is perfect range for all nutrients at 7 ph you are tech neutral on the scale but the plant needs 5.8 for hydro 6.5 for soil