Welcome New Members!


Hi, I'm a noob and about a week ago i planted 3 royal queen special kush 1 in 9 l pots(indoors) with Guano soil. I've been reading a lot of different opinions on how to use Bio Bizz Grow and Bloom with Guano ... since I didn't really manage to find any good suggestions, I was hopping someone could give me boost in my knowledge ! :) Thanks.


I did this a little backwards BUT regardless I am very new here and to growing in general I will be starting my grow in probably 2 months time that give me plenty of time to creep through here and troll everyones posts and give everyone bad information...wait im quoting bmeat now....anyways I have seen some really interesting threads already and some of the videos and pictures really gave me alot of information. some very basic information about my grow I am growing 6 sweet island seeds I have about 50 or so just kept taking them back from people with the intentions of planting but never got around to it till now. I am going to be starting with soil and will have enough lighting to handle the entire grow process, I just need to pick up the soil I want to use (any input on that would be awesome) and a few other things. so if anyone wants to piggyback on my grow I would be more than happy to send you some of the finished product lol assuming that it goes well :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Why cant I start a journal or send pm's? I looked around and noticed other new users where able to start a journal right on their first post?
Is there a setting im missing? Any mods able to tell me why my account has restrictions?


Hey! New to the site, have been reading through loads of post got cab built, received fans today :D looking to sow with in the month! No idea what yet though. Any suggestions for a strain that's quite resilient?
Hey everyone! im a noob and i have a closet im building and the dimensionsare 2ftx6ft what light set up and grow set up would u guys reccommend for 6 plants?
Howdy from rural Missouri, along the 40th parallel. 2013 will be my first grow. I'm planning to conceal 2 to 5 plants in my vegetable garden. In years past I've let horseweeds grow up and them buggers get 8 foot plus, so that provides some screen. And I'll grow some corn varieties that reach 7 foot. To round out the screen I'll grow some giant sunflowers and some that branch out. Not getting caught is priority one! I'm in a town of < 100 people with neighbors 100 feet away. I THINK they're cool, but trust only myself. Budget is consideration #2. I can't afford a $150 indoor lighting setup. I'd been thinking autoflowers. I can live with the lower yield. I don't need top notch weed - 99% of my smoking was in the early 1980's so that is my standard of comparison. A strain that is good for pain (for my wife) and sleep (both of us) would be good. But I like the idea of the cerebral high of sativas, only from what I read. In the early 80's in my small town weed was just weed. I'm no connoisseur. I don't care about taste. So, I'm leaning away from autoflowers. Seeds costing what they do, I want to be able to clone and go way on back in the woods to plant the clones. My present leanings are for an indica or indica dominant cross that won't exceed 4 feet tall. These will get planted late. My concealment crops have to attain some height. I'm here to ask for variety names that are suited to my climate. Missouri is not predictable. Mid to late June we can count on high humidity. In July it can rain a lot or none at all. August is usually pretty dry and hot. Some summers we seldom break 90F, but we can have several days running that exceed 100. I'll baby the garden grown plants, but seldom visit the woodsy ones. If I get 2 oz of decent smoke I'll be pleased and anything more is just gravy. Can I really order seeds online and not raise eyebrows?


well, I will certainly let you know. put my order in four days ago. my order history says, DISPATCHED. so, wish me luck.


i have just made myself a small grow cupboard and want to start a journal but i cant make any new threads?
its a bit difficult trying to add some stuff here,i think you need to look more at the pages,it helps if ur not too wasted! i tried making a journal and gave up after a while.


Hello all! Hope this finds you well.
We have finally decided to grow our own medicine, so we are looking at the Dual Spectrum II Bubbleponics® Complete Kit as our starter. The reviews look pretty decent (as long as the directions are followed and CLEAN everything first).

I will share photos of the progression. May pick up some clones to get a little jump start.

Really appreciate this forum.

Thank you,

This is the first post of an updated log I will be continuing for my personal documentation.These lovely ladies are 4 weeks old and in impeccable health.

I will post every 14 days.

Also, my avatar was one of my cola's from my "Pandora's Box" strain last go around.



Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and posting. I have 2) AK47 and 2) Pineapple Express at 4 week bloom. Using organic soil and Roots Organics in 3 gal containers. It's in my 2X4 ft closet, w 400w HPS, and cool tube hood. I am enjoying every aspect of this experience. Especially all the learning.

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This is my first grow and posting. I have 2) AK47 and 2) Pineapple Express at 4 week bloom. Using organic soil and Roots Organics in 3 gal containers. It's in my 2X4 ft closet, w 400w HPS, and cool tube hood. I am enjoying every aspect of this experience. Especially all the learning.

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looking good,keep it simple for ur 1st grow,i too have a couple of ak 4 weeks in bloom in a scrog and they are big:roll: ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.