Welcome New Members!


Hey, what's up. Been reading from this forum for a little while now and finally decided to sign up. I've already started my first grow. Have a couple sprouts that just popped yesterday and also have a stealth mini fridge grow box in the works. I'll take pictures and post my progress soon!


Active Member
yh thanks for the help, i'll make sure i mix in some small stones with my soil because i have a budget of about £0 so it will be a lot easier. when i'm using the worm bin stuff should i use the nutes i have in a bottle as well or maybe just a much more diluted amount of it? and i'm thinking about changing to 18/6 but theres so many mixed opinions on it so i'm not to sure, might change next week or something
yeah some say its fine on 24/0 others say 18/0 is optimal, welcome to the world of growing weed- you can end up doing nothing just because of all the different opinions out there! Just do what works for you and on each grow you will learn more about the do's and donts! Im on my 4th grow now and know I am still learning so so much each time, I cant wait untill Im on like my 10th grow- things'll get badass!

On the nutes; at this point I wouldnt add any nutes, its only a baby and would burn almost instantly. when you do start adding nutes start off on the worm juice and see how that takes you- An organic grow is a fine thing if you are on a low budget, check out this thread I found the other day it might be really useful for you: https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/361430-how-breed-your-own-beneficial.html

I will sub your grow and will help out if I can! :D
Hi, I'm a newbie here. Just starting out hoping to put together a decent hydro system with LED lighting. That's at least what I am leaning towards.


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU... If you stick around, you'll have all the info you'll need for a good grow. One thing to remember, there are MANY different growers on this forum, all with varying approaches to growing... Take a little bit from everyone and apply it to your situation and you're guaranteed results!


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help, i'm planning to be getting another light so i will have 2 15W blue spec cfls and 2 20W red spec cfls bought some maylar and gonna make a proper reflector for all the lights still not that much light but my plants at the moment seem to be growing great under it but thought getting more only can do good, my mate just got given some seeds he thought they were afghan kush but now he thinks there african something .. hes a bit forgetful lol just trying to get him remember i'm so glad now i'm not gonna be just growing some shitty thai bag seeds :) yh i'm not planning on using nutes yet maybe on the second week but still really diluted and work my way up to the proper amount. and yh i'll have a look at it. cant wait till my baby's have grown up lol


I have some pic of the Raw deisel that growing and would like to share them, but don't know how to upload them.
Can anyone help????


Active Member
when you post a reply either in a forum or start a new thread, above where you type and next to the font options are some pictures. between the globe and the film strip pic theres a rectangle. thats the add photos bit. hth :D


hi all...
fresh meat for u to pick over ha ha, tried bubblers and loved em so now tryin my hand at a sgrog grow, not sure on this one but pics below so feel free to have a pop at my unruly setup lol.
check out the diy light mover....a 6rpm motor and a piece of wire ..not bad for cost of £2 and works a treat.
been trawling through forums till wee hours but there is soooooo much info on here i cant help myself. anyways hope to chat soon when i post my ph problem...oh and thanks for the knowledge.
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I wanted to know if there would be a difference between using a 100 gallon pot and a 200 gallon pot and if so how much of a diff
any help would be great i grew last year with 25 gallon pots and averaged about a pound so im looking to step it up
Hello everyone! I just registered for the site and thought I'd stop by to introduce myself. I have recently received some seeds from a friend and made plans to grow them. I just started the germination process this morning, at 11 AM. I am keeping the seeds in a moist paper towel inside of a plastic Ziplock baggy, stored in my bedroom dresser until they start to sprout. I am also keeping a calendar to document the whole process. I figured that would be useful. I am a first-time grower, so I'm trying to be extremely careful about everything I'm doing. My plan was to start the plant(s) inside until summer approaches, then replant it outside. I would say I have about 2 months, but we'll see. I just dont want to invest in a expensive lighting system until I see that I'm doing things correctly. Let me know if you have any advice for me. I'd greatly appreciate it!

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hi Mid, the term "expensive" is relative, and using CFL is a great way to start seedlings. With some careful shopping, you could invest as little as $20, and have a satisfactory light system.
Good luck & good grow.......BB


hi just want to introduce myself im new member here but have been reading the formums here for a while nothing but great advise keep up the awsome work