Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hey what's going on people? New to RIU... not new to the sweet, sweet ganj but new to the farm side of things. Definitely eager to learn and ready to get to it... take it easy but take it.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, i'm about 6 weeks into flowering with my white widow and i just noticed the hairs starting to turn, should i stop nutes? How long do you think i have left before harvest. have a microscope on the way so i can't check tricomes yet.
Well, most widow varieties flower for closer to twelve weeks before harvest, do not stop giving them nutes, and you have plenty of time to get the microscope.

i am having difficulty keeping the top buds from wanting to slouch over from the weight. Any advice?
Prop them up? is this a trick question. I bought 24-4' long bamboo sticks at Menards for like $3.00, and a pack of big pipe cleaners at the Family Dollar Store, 60 for a buck. Put four sticks and tied the stick together with the pipe cleaners ( thanx for that suggestion PanHead).

i think i should have trimmed the large fan leaves before flowering but i did not know to do that. Is it too late to do some trimming of the largest leaves to allow light to reach some of the lower buds?:-? Thanks for any help
Well... AlB Fuct used to trim his at two weeks into flowering with an 8 week flowering plant, I have been late with trimming a time or two, its kind of a toss up. It may stress your plant a little, it may slow flowering and grow back some of what you cut out. If you get your microscope and wait for them to fully mature, you could end up with more bud, maybe a week later. Tough call. VV:eyesmoke:


Active Member
What up people My name is DaveWood754. I'm from the Murda Mitten "Michigan." Residing in CO now.I'll soon post pics of my latest creation...


New Member
Thanks Victor Viscious.

I will keep using the nutes. The issue i've been having with the drooping is that the plant outreaches the pot size so trying to prop them with poles hasn't really been an option. I'm going to use an empty pot or 2 around my plant and prop the buds with the poles you mentioned. Thanks for your help. So, looking for a couch potato high i should wait till the tricomes have started to become amber and that is when they are ready? i also heard that increasing the light cycle to 13/11 or 14/10 in the final 2 weeks can increase yield considerably. Is there any truth to this or will it revert the plant back to veg?



Active Member
Whats happenin everybody, just joined up (been lurking for a while :D) already gained some pricless info from the forum and long may that continue :) first grow coming up soon 'hopefully'! and just trying to get as much knowledge as possible...although puttin it all into practice properly will be a different matter lol

So yeah, enjoy the rest of yer toke if yer tokin and if not this ones for you


Well-Known Member
Thanks Victor Viscious.

I will keep using the nutes. The issue i've been having with the drooping is that the plant outreaches the pot size so trying to prop them with poles hasn't really been an option. I'm going to use an empty pot or 2 around my plant and prop the buds with the poles you mentioned. Thanks for your help. So, looking for a couch potato high i should wait till the tricomes have started to become amber and that is when they are ready? i also heard that increasing the light cycle to 13/11 or 14/10 in the final 2 weeks can increase yield considerably. Is there any truth to this or will it revert the plant back to veg?
I haven't tried changing the light cycle, others here have. Try a search on it, I am sure its posted here. As far as your propping problem, thats why I propped mine up, duh, they were out growing the pots. Here is a picture, maybe it will help you. VV



Active Member
Whats Up Everyone, I Like The Site Alot, & Its Very Useful, & Has Taught Me Alot Already, Hope To Learn More Into The Future & Share The Knowledge As Well...This Will be My 2nd Grow Hopefully A Major Load This Time...We Will See


Active Member
Hello to all!! I am a newbie, that's about to start my first grow ever in May. Indoors. I love the site and will start to ask questions very soon for help in my endeavor. Also thank you for allowing me to join the site. Wish me well... and Again hello to all


Active Member
hail, this is a great resource and the people seem extraordinarily friendly. I think I will make this my new home.

I am starting my first grow, it's a tad intimidating, as i want to get shit right the first time. im also pretty pleased with my new toys: lamp, bulb, blower, ducting, the essentials, all to partake as the internals of a home depot wardrobe. time to take a picture and make a journal!


Active Member
Hello. First post to this board. I have yet to grow myself, but plan to in the next few months once my wife gets her MM recommendation from a doctor. I would act as her "Caregiver" so I would then be able to finally fulfill a 20 year dream of cultivating cannabis. I have already learned much reading posts here and on other sites but still have much to learn. I just wanted to reach out and say Hi or "High!"



Active Member
hey everyone...this is my first post...not sure where it will wind up but..... I'm starting some plants from seed and am having some trouble. They are very leggy. I don't have any complicated indoor growing setup cause I'll put them outside when weather permits. I just need some help on trying to keep them from getting so leggy and falling over. They shot up in a matter of days. I did put a small fan on them hopefully to strengthen them up? Any advice would be appreciated.


Active Member
Hey guys so i just got some seeds and planted some seed, in the woods with good sunlight spots i live in mass todays temp was lik 60'sz so am i in good shape or should i start growing them inside them outside?:wall:


Active Member
alrighty then....doesn't look like anyone comes here to newbie central. I've waited for some sort of response a few days. Off to other areas for some help!!


Well-Known Member
read the growfaq.
this is a welcome page, not really a place to get your newb questions answered.
i can understand the confusion.

if you dont find the answer in the growfaq publish a thread.
DO IT NOW...or whenevers good for you. i dont care....

Op White

Active Member

I'm very new to growing. I have been thinking about it since last fall. But this is some thing very hard to get started. I think I found the right place for a beginner.

If some body could recommend me some books or other sources about growing, I would appreciate it. I am trying to soak up as much information as possible before investing anything.

Hopefully I will start late this summer. I'm 500 bucks over my budget and its going to take while for it to be balanced.


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm a total newb to both the forum and growing. I will be attempting my first grow this season. any help will be much appreciated.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member

I'm very new to growing. I have been thinking about it since last fall. But this is some thing very hard to get started. I think I found the right place for a beginner.

If some body could recommend me some books or other sources about growing, I would appreciate it. I am trying to soak up as much information as possible before investing anything.

Hopefully I will start late this summer. I'm 500 bucks over my budget and its going to take while for it to be balanced.
Op White,
what's up dude..... I'm also pretty new to this site, and have been reading a lot.... it is always a good idea to read plenty before you start... follow whatever you can and try your best with the rest of the stuff... it seems to be a pretty complicated process but once you start it gets easier, you'll love your plants, learn from each grow, and always look forward to grow again in order to improve!!!

A great book in my opinion is "THE MARIJUANA GROWERS GUIDE" by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal... ( i found a .pdf online, look it up if you want!)

It covers everything you will need to start your grow, but might be a little outdated on some issues... but for those you can always look up the answer here, or just post up a few questions and everyone jumps out to help!!
Remember that you first grow doesn't have to be expensive either and it can be a nice learning experience for when you do decide to invest a little more, or simply have more money to do updates!!!
Good luck and hope that you find everything you need on this site.... i have!

To everyone else, welcome and i just wanted to introduce myself as well... i'm ID..
Happy growing and plentiful crops to all!