Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hey just joined! Howdy. Haven't grown for a long time but thinking of getting back into it with the economy sicking and everyone cutting back. don't want to cut back on da smoke.


Well-Known Member
Greetings folks, I'm a new indoor grower. I hope you guys can help me get some really good yields. I will in turn do the best of my ability to do the same for all of you

Thanks to you all.......Be Safe and Enjoy


Well-Known Member
welcome welcome ELee - i know your doing well anyway , but would be good to see what improvements can do for your harvest!
and be good to get some of that college educated info in retrun !
Stay safe


Well-Known Member
Anytime homie, just get at me. I'll give whatever help I can. The new babies are germinating as I type. I pray for my luck to be as good as it's been!

Eddie McPot

Well-Known Member
High folks, I am Eddie. Yes I am a noob to growing but not to consuming. I am currently in my 5th week on a custom build DWC. I started with 6 plants, now down to 4 due to a nutrient problem. 3 indica and 1 sweet looking sativa.

I will browse around before asking questions. Looks like I found the right place to discuss growing your own. I am tired of buying sad ass sacks of weed loaded with seeds and lumber. So...the growing begins.


Well-Known Member
I got mites, can someone please tell me how to get ride of them????? Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been lurking for a bit now. I am gonna be getting a closet op going with some buckets. I'll get a thread going when ready. First time for me, so I hope for some good help.
I'll keep yall posted, cheers.
Gday, Heaps of info here more people that want to help than you will ever need....... Good luck!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It happens at this time of year, we get a lot of new people that have been thinking about growing for awhile and the start to make the leap. Everyone needs to help us welcome them. VV

Rayshon A26

Active Member
Im very interested in learning how to grow marijuana. Particularly exotic strains such as white widow, northern lights, the different variations of kush and so on. if anybody know about books, material and equipment that can be of great use to me, feel free to share your knowledge and insight.


Active Member
What up folks, justabigbud here, just saying hey, toker from way back in the day, got a bc bloom box on order, be here soon, gonna do my first grow, got some seeds last time I was in amsterdam. Got some female ny diesel aka cheese, its the shit.


Active Member
Hello I'm A New User To Growing And To These Forum Sites So Bare With Me Koo! I dont know if this is where you post your questions for help? i wont ask them yet just in case im wrong and can get redirected.
many thanx!


Active Member
first post on here and first time grower..quick question..

i was given abunch of seeds about 50 or 60 from a freind who got them from amsterdam about 2 years ago. can i still use them??

sorry if its a stupid question :wall: