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New Member
the weed from where i got the weed from wasnt that great and thats y i am asking. and also i wanna start off with a cheap seed for my first grow just in case i fuck up and it dies for some reason. after i see that i can grow then i will get good seeds.

Easy P

Active Member
hey all im p. joined up yesterday.I have been growing outdoors for a long time, i spend most of my time with my girls, and playing video games, so I haven't been on the computer very much. I can't type worth a shit, so it might take me a little while to answer questions. I am working on getting my gallery up so I can show off my ladies. cool site ,THANKS!!


Active Member
You won't be getting any seeds unless it's a hermaphrodite or unless you have both a female and male in the same room. What happens is, the male pollen sack releases pollen which the female pistils (white hairs) catch the pollen then goes down the pistil (white hair) into the ovule and the female produces seeds.

It's argued that equatorial and high altitude MJ plants have higher have a higher THC content than plants at a higher or lower lattidude or lower altitude.

This is because more UV-B rays are readily available at higher altitudes and at an equatorial lattiude.

This being said, I don't think that your plant would be getting enough UV-B light to produce the quality bud you're looking for nor the quality yield your looking for. So no it is not advisable. But if it is indeed all you can do then all the luck to ya friend.

If you're going to do the whole FL thing I would suggest this:
The following is a link to a diagram displaying the wavelengths emitted by a few fluorescent light species. Remember that UV-B light is from 320 - 290nm in length. Try to chose a species that will more closely replicate this.
Image:Fluorescent lighting spectrum peaks labelled.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another suggestion if using fluorescent lights, in order to use up as much of the light intensity as possible keep the light close to the canopy. Fluorescent bulbs aren't as intense as HIDs and therefore can be kept closer to the canopy.

When beginning a reply I usually make sure I know how many times I plan on quoting and open and close as many as I need before I start typing my replies. SO in this case I did it 3 times before even starting to type. It's about structure baby!


Active Member
hey guys....,,I have plants outdoors but they are continually getting hammered with rain and my soil seems like its isnt draining very well. I was late starting them this year and we havent had much sun. My plant inside is about 4 weeks behind than the one inside. I figure I still have 6 weeks left or so before the frost, should I leave them out or bring them indoors to finish them off. Thanks

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey every1. im completly new to the whole growing world. i have my self 5 lowryder dwarf seeds. i got a 80w fluerescent light, and have build myslef a small grow room in my closet( will uploadpictures later on today). i germinated my seeds over a 24hr period and have planted them in good soil, and am basically needing any information any1 can give me regarding growing these plants. CHEERS ALL

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey everyone. im completly new to the whole growing experience. i've manages to get my hands on 5 lowryder 2 auto-flowering dwarve plants, i hav built a small grow box in my walk in wardrobe, it stands about 19 inch wide, stands 3 foot tall and bout 17 inch deep.i have germinated 2 of my seeds for 24hrs and they cracked so ive put them in 2 2ince pots. i have a 80w fluerescent light and a smal fan for air ciruculation. i have the light on 24hr, and am basically in need in any help that u can give me regarding growing. cheers:bigjoint:


Active Member
sounds gd earing the best advice is around here if you want to learn youve come to the right place ive learned loads just by reaing what others have asked look forward to seeing your babies if theres anything in particular u want to know feel free to ask m8


Active Member
indoors m8 im only on second grow first was just bagweed now im growing northern lights and moroccan afghan some thai and some mazar they about 4 weeks old now they comin on nice i use 600 watt hps lights work real good


Active Member
hey giys iv set up continous flow buckets and some outside plants trying to stay in m ligle limets lol im using a 400w hps inside on 3 buckets is thes enuf . also i have a female outside who went hermie do i need to pull it or shuld i just let it run my outside are just emergcy smoke anyway but will it runin my indoor that are only 30ft away but in a sealed growroom


Active Member
Well ive been on here for a little while reading and learning n such so i thought it would be a good time to introduce myself and say high. Im currently working on my first cfl grow. Check it out and tell me what you think. Ive only made it this far cause ive had this great site backing me up. See ya around. :bigjoint:


Active Member
hey its flamingo man im new to this and would like to start growing. i have im mind white widow, and maybe AK47 to start off. where could i get the supplies and seeds? thanks



Active Member
hey its flamingo man im new to this and would like to start growing. i have im mind white widow, and maybe AK47 to start off. where could i get the supplies and seeds? thanks

hi flamingo ak47 niceeeeeeeeee you can find many a deals on the net that supply ya with good seeds my freind so take a look i use the seed emporium myself


Active Member
Well ive been on here for a little while reading and learning n such so i thought it would be a good time to introduce myself and say high. Im currently working on my first cfl grow. Check it out and tell me what you think. Ive only made it this far cause ive had this great site backing me up. See ya around. :bigjoint:
looks like they b nice plants desi keep up the good work im gonna see iff i can put some of my pics up for ya all to see wish me luck lol if anyone could tell me how to do it b appreciated guys


Active Member


few pics of my babies if ive done this right guys they was 2 weeks old here ill take some more pics tomoz as they 4 week old now:eyesmoke:


Active Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
i have 2 white labe double gum and one next feminized plant growing they r about 3 weeks old about 3-5 inches high, because time is of the issue with me, i was wondering if i could flower them now cuz i now they endure a extreme groth stage during the flowering stage? please help me!!!! lol