Welcome New Members!

Hi everyone! Great site! Im really impressed with the bud porn on this site, you guys & gals got it going on. I've grown outdoors but want to try indoor growing in the future & I'm hoping to learn from the experts. I just want to grow for myself & some friends. Nothing too big. I'm still young so I want to really learn how it's done. Nothing better than hitting some killer you grew yourself. I still a lot figure out on this site lol. Like posting profile pics & other pics. I am working on my mobile the next few months so I hope I can get it all figured out. I'm looking forward to getting into the grow rooms & reading the other threads and start getting my grow knowledge on lol. Hope to make some friends too.....nothing better than friends with benefits.....bud benefits that is lol. Oh I'm a little bit of a flirt and a little bit of a wild child but just for fun....usually.... Lol.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. New member long time grower here from Michigan. Just thought i would post some pics of my current grow. These pics where taken tonight just as the lights went off. This has been a very good round for for my Pandora's box project. A single female vegged for three months under florescent light and has been flowering for six weeks under 600 watt hps. I ended up going 100% organic this round with soil from roots organic and chose medi-one from green planet as my nutrient source. I am thoroughly impressed with the results from the single part nutrient which is all i have used besides hygrozyme to cleanse the soil. Glad to be a part of the community and look forward to feedback.
Nice plant ,very nice but your not a newbie.
Whats up everyone. Im new to indoor growing and have found this site very useful in my research. I have been studying indoor growing for about 3 months now and im just about to pull the trigger on a closet setup. Im looking at the dr60 grow tent ans blackstar 240w led.


hi people i been buying weed from dealers for 6 year now and im sick of it. i bascially cant afford it so im thinking of growing...im going to buy the equipment next week so i could do with some of your advice as i have no clue what to do..im growing in my house just the 1 plant, i live in england. what is everything i need to buy firstly and i mean everything, also which seeds do u suggest and do you know any legit places to get them from? any help would me massively appreciated.
Hi, I am new here. Seems like a real informative place. Lots of you take it too the extrem. Love that. Me, I am a casual guy. Everything I do is rather "good enough". I have been growing weed for 20 years on and off. On now in a way I have never grown before. Guess it has a lot to do with my current living situation and my legal growing statis. (RIMMP). What I do is grow clones in my spare closet, a couple at a time. Then I pick one every nine weeks. After dinner I move plant into dark closet. Before work I place in window. Check it out.!

plant 032.jpg

This clone is 6 weeks into window budding regiment.
Be seeing you round like a doughnut.
Hey people,came here with some ideas and plans for future and hoping to get some information related to it here.
Sorry for english.Also if here are any people from Holland write me i wanna ask about few things there.


Hi all. I'm about to start a two or three plant grow in my apartment. Good information here. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. It's very generous
IMHO, you should start way more than one plant. You don't want to waste three months of time and electricty to discover your growing a male. Use a tupperware container and wet paper towels to germnate six to ten seeds out of the last bag you got. Or, follow another dudes method, it don't matter.
The import ant thing is you start with more than one plant. Always keep four immature. Clone.
Take little bits of what you learn and impliment it as you go. Learning good growing is as organic as a hippy dude's soil.

Stick to the basics. Plants use dirt sun and water. People get high drunk and stupid. Are you a plant?


ive spouted my first ever auto white widow cross with ak47its in my window at the momment im gettin a 400w hps foiling my cupboard out and stick 2 fans in there and i will be useing ionic bloom on a 18hours on 6 hours off timeing ???????????????? plant says 600g's yield what am i am going to get ??


Active Member
Hey what's going on everyone. Skynard here, new to the forums and growing. Been doing my reading for about six months and i'm gonna dive in now. I'm from St.Louis love the CARDS hate the rams. I am a licensed plumber able to answer any plumbing questions that you might have with your grow. Not so much hydro and pumps, but drains, vents and, water lines. Well there's the icebreaker.
Hey guys starting my first grow and i have to say thanks to everyone who posts on here. Can't tell you how much I've learned from here. Wish me luck!

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Hi guys i new here but not new to growing been doing it for 15 years and had 2 sick strains that ive kept alive for that long until about amonth ago. computer failure wiped out my mothers and crop. New to getting seeds from overseas and have never had to . I have ordered any one had any success lately