Welcome New Members!


Active Member
hey guys im new here some much to look in to i wanted to kno where i can go to show off my baby and find out if its a male or female


These posts are f n funny, I'm new, been reading like a SOB bout things. Trying to figure out a good grow for a 4x4x8 room for once i get my card. After that, I plan on being a caregiver for a couple of folks who need the MJ, but can't afford to drive far, and pay $50+ an 1/8th. Later!


hay all, realy strugling to get my pics onto threads! can you check out my profile n comment on my pics realy need to no if my air pump is good enough, thanks!


Active Member
:bigjoint:hey guys.

Newb from Ann arbor Michigan.
about 10 days into a cfl stealth hydro grow. I may start a journal - well see.

I just ordered white widow from worldwide as well today so i hope to be reporting alot and often!

i have a co2 question in my fist post. If you know anything about it please look for it and answer!

is it 420 yet?


Well-Known Member
tymtpunk here.

just started germinating my seeds today. gonna do a cfl lst grow either in basement (kinda cold) or in a pc case (space limiting). been trolling here for a while, thought i would register now i might be using some of the info here.


Active Member
Hello fellow cultivators. New here, my SH bubbleponics system is set to arrive in a few days got some purple haze seeds for growing my grow room is going to be a closet a tall one, light system is on the way also 400w hps. My question to yall is which nutrients will work best?

Mc Lovin

hay everyone Mz Mclovin here im new to this buh i jus started growing yesterday. so if anyone has any suggests feel free to let me know!!


Hey everyone, Im really new to growing. Not new to bud, just tired of the games (when the price is right, the bud isn't, when the bud is right. the price isn't) so I thought I'd give it a go. Lucky for me my fiancee is the coolest girl in the world and she likes to toke with me, so Im allowed to grow some (I know you're all jealous ;-))

Grab a :joint:, get :eyesmoke:, and watch my babies grow big and strong :-P. It's been 3 days since my little ones have sprouted and doing pretty well so far.

Closet CFL Grow - Lots of pics!


sorry a little off the subject,question is it legal to order seeds? boulder co
I've never personally ordered seeds but there is some great info here about buying seeds.

A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

It's my understanding that there are places that ship pretty discretely but I don't think the repercussions of buying seeds is anything unless you order a ton of seeds.

IMO, unless you have some growing experience I would use bag seed so you don't waste any money if something goes wrong.

Im def. no expert though, just my $0.02


Active Member
Whats good everyone, Silas here, new to the site and to forums and im loving every moment.. I have another post where i am receiving pretty good help from a couple people, but the more info the better so ill ask a quesiton or two on here. I have my initial grow room researched down, i just would like a little input on my base soil.

Im not rich so i would like something affordable and effective.. I will be potting about 5 plants in a small closet with a 400w hps lamp with mh conversion for veg cycle. Ill be using Fox Farms Trio Nutes and hopefully all will go well.

I am aware that there is a world of options for starting soils, and i gather that Potting Mix, Perlite, Sand, and Organic/Pre-Mix are my basic necessities.
I was recommended Fox Farms Ocean Forest Potting soil, which has guano and other various in-soil nutes, then another suggested to add FF Light Warrior to that mix because the Ocean Forest Soil was "known to burn plants." I suppose if it is not a risk with the Light Warrior added ill just go with that combo. But i was origionally going to manually make a Soil Mix with Miracle Grow and various individual products (Bat Guano and Organic Seafood/Fish Fertilizer). What is your opinion on these products? (Fox Farms and Micracle Grow Soils) Does anyone suggest anything different? I am planning to make all my purchases this week so i need something of a final checklist in this area of items for my project.