Weird issue


New Member
Any idea what's happening here?(2nd picture) These girls are about 3 weeks into 12/12 flip, the strain is Haze Xtreme. Both were planted at the same time and live in the same conditions. I have a 315watt CMH that pretty much hangs a little to the left side of the tent as the ballast was interfering with exhaust fan stopping it from being dead center. I tried to alleviate the left side favouritism with a 1000 watt LED on the right. The first picture is the plant almost directly under the CMH which has little buds and looks good in my opinion. The other plant is the issue, why is one branch budding but the top 2 main colas not. Looks like it started to than its leaves spiked upwards.
*Will attach better picture if needs be*
Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Someone will help out that has experience, so be patient if someone hasn't messaged you yet. They look pretty btw. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
One plant is simply further ahead in bud development; nothing more or less. There's nothing wrong with your other plant; she's just not setting flowers as quickly. Remember, just because they are the same strain does not mean, for 100% certainty, they will grow or develop the same. Good luck.