Week 5 Afghanie Kush Flowering PROBLEMS H E L P !

First of thanks to all the good doods who post on here! Although this is my first post Ive been on this website a ton over the last 3 months gathering info. It was time for me to sign up and join the community. I'm 5 weeks into flower with some Afghanie Kush and have some Newbish ?'s. Any help would be really appreciated

1. My PPM's got up to 1700+ and ran at that for a few days, now my girls got a little sun burned (i can tell from the research Ive done, brown edges, some yellow, some spots). Should I drop my PPM levels below my usual 1550? Should I cut the burnt leafs or should I keep them so the plant can continue to transfer toxins to them and remove them when they are totally dead?

2. I'm running 2 x 1000w lights over 12 AK ladies. Right in the middle there is a blind spot both lights miss, would it make any sense to add a 3rd 1000 in week 5? how much does the typical yield go up from week 5 - 8? I have on hand 2 x T5's and 1 x 200w buld, could I use those?

3. My grow room got infested with fruit fly type bugs, will they hurt my plant and if so any clues on how to get rid of them?

Any help would be really appreciated!:hug:

My Set up

Aero / EbbFlow


Great White
Super Thrive
Bud Candy
Sensi A B
Big Bud
Hammer Head
Purple Maxx
Ultra Snow Storm
Liquid Carb
hydroplex (should have gotten KushiKush I know)
RO water

If this is too much info for 1 post just let me know and I'll post 1 @ a time moving forward. If A mod needs to move or take down I understand to.

Again thanks for taking the time to read this :peace:
- KKushKush


Do a full res change, possibly even run straight water for a couple of days. This should take care of the nute burn. Don't cut off any leaves, if they willing to break off very easily take them off, otherwise leave alone.
Light mover maybe for the dark spot? put things tighter together? Use whatever lights you have, cant have too many.
Not sure on your fruit fly type bugs, what do they look like?


Well-Known Member
At 1700 ppm im suprised the plants arn't totally dead, make it 1000 and see how they go. With the gnats get some sticky strips for fruit fly and cut pieces and put on the medium in the pot also hang a full one up above the plants,this will control them (not eliminate).
Man my stomach just dropped! checked the ladies and now almost half of the girls have browning on the outside of the leafs (before it was only 3 or 4 plants)! I'm going to take your advise Coupe and dump my res, start from scratch again.....My PPM's are around 1200, i dont get why they keep burning, is there some kind of residual effect from when I had them up at 1700? Buds the guy at the hydro shop told me the same thing...he was surprised they didnt die. I'll try and post some pics.....its heartbreaking man they were picture perfect a week ago ='-( I have a feeling it was the Gravity or Purple Maxx those are two new nuets for me and I heard they can be harsh. Either way thank you both again for helping me out (i almost cut the burnt water leafs, but will let nature takes its course after reading your comment).


It was the gravity i bet. You do not need to be adding things like that, just start with a simple nutrient set up, then more as you learn more. You have badly fried the plants and they need a flush for a few days with plain water.
Week 5 of flower you should be somewhere between 1000-1200 maybe as high as 1500 but no higher. First flush though then NO gravity, that shit is mean!


New Member
i have grown afganistan and your ppm are way to high even tho afgan seems to like it i would flush medium with ph'd water let stable for like 3 days then return into nute program no more then 1000 ppm
your other question about adding another light doesn;t hurt you say your in week 5 then your l;ike half done lol 72 to 76 day strain so YES add it

fruit flys i would suggest being afgan comes from a harsh climate drop your temps big time if you can should kill them flys or protect your plants with some neem oil might rid them or C02


Well-Known Member
The plants will continue to look worse until you flush them with plain water...As for the bugs those are fungus gnats...they will cover about anything though and then they are just gnats..but while plants are involved the are fungus gnats and the gnats dont do damage, but their larvae do...so as someone stated above get some neem oil...coat the plants when the lights are off of course, I have put it in my reservoirs to help get rid of the larvae---that eat your plants roots...you have to have a really bad case to see any harm as far as i can tell so far though...and more light is better as long as your temps and such dont get too high...so add as you wish...So I would give plain water...use some neem oil, and add some lights if I were you...and to tell you the truth I have adjusted and adjusted and it seems like i can never get my nutes just right....


Well-Known Member
from a lot of what i have read, when in full flower, don't go above 1200ppm.. some strains may vary a little bit obviously, but with nutes, less is normally better than doing too much and burning the crap outta your girls.
The plants will continue to look worse until you flush them with plain water...As for the bugs those are fungus gnats...they will cover about anything though and then they are just gnats..but while plants are involved the are fungus gnats and the gnats dont do damage, but their larvae do...so as someone stated above get some neem oil...coat the plants when the lights are off of course, I have put it in my reservoirs to help get rid of the larvae---that eat your plants roots...you have to have a really bad case to see any harm as far as i can tell so far though...and more light is better as long as your temps and such dont get too high...so add as you wish...So I would give plain water...use some neem oil, and add some lights if I were you...and to tell you the truth I have adjusted and adjusted and it seems like i can never get my nutes just right....
So Plain water.....what about top'n off with 10 gallon's of RO and dropping my PPM's to 800? Bad idea? should I dump the whole res? Sucks because i'm low on my base Sensi nuets and wanted them to last but its way more important for my ladies to go the distance so I have no problem with dumping agian
i have grown afganistan and your ppm are way to high even tho afgan seems to like it i would flush medium with ph'd water let stable for like 3 days then return into nute program no more then 1000 ppm
your other question about adding another light doesn;t hurt you say your in week 5 then your l;ike half done lol 72 to 76 day strain so YES add it

fruit flys i would suggest being afgan comes from a harsh climate drop your temps big time if you can should kill them flys or protect your plants with some neem oil might rid them or C02
Good stuff, everyone is saying to dump the whole res and not Top so thats what i'll do....I'm going to add my T5's and 200w to supplement..good idea for the gnats! I'll run it cold! Thanks & to be honest I no nothing about CO2, i'm going to youtube some co2 clips


Lets start from the beginning, your set up looks spot on what is needed. I would watch angling the lights like you have in the t5 pictures, but t5s really aren't bright enough for it to matter, just the hids, and they look great. I believe that if your 2nd light was on you would have plenty of light in there, damn close at least.
Now the plants, half of the experienced growers around here have plants that look worse than that. They are still very healthy and pretty damn happy.
You honestly probably could get away with a slight drain and top off to get to 1000 and come out alright. They are your plants and it is your call, you see them everyday and clearly know them well, from the way you were talking i was expecting dead plants, hell i know i have pictures in my albums far worse than yours (fuckin fungus gnats).
Anyhow you are being proactive and i am all for that, but this is not the end of the world and they WILL survive.
One thing i recommend and i know this is hard but, you are in AZ obviously and probably "legal" in your state. So use this site and meet everyone you can, see their gardens whether in pics or in person and see what other peoples gardens look like, you learn a lot just looking around and talking. I learn far more going and looking at things than reading all day long.
All in all really looks great, good luck and keep us updated.
Lets start from the beginning, your set up looks spot on what is needed. I would watch angling the lights like you have in the t5 pictures, but t5s really aren't bright enough for it to matter, just the hids, and they look great. I believe that if your 2nd light was on you would have plenty of light in there, damn close at least.
Now the plants, half of the experienced growers around here have plants that look worse than that. They are still very healthy and pretty damn happy.
You honestly probably could get away with a slight drain and top off to get to 1000 and come out alright. They are your plants and it is your call, you see them everyday and clearly know them well, from the way you were talking i was expecting dead plants, hell i know i have pictures in my albums far worse than yours (fuckin fungus gnats).
Anyhow you are being proactive and i am all for that, but this is not the end of the world and they WILL survive.
One thing i recommend and i know this is hard but, you are in AZ obviously and probably "legal" in your state. So use this site and meet everyone you can, see their gardens whether in pics or in person and see what other peoples gardens look like, you learn a lot just looking around and talking. I learn far more going and looking at things than reading all day long.
All in all really looks great, good luck and keep us updated.
Ok so some changes I made.... for the gnats I just kept filling up a gallon jug of my res water and dumping int into the base of each of my ladies, I was hoping to wet their wings and kill them, plus push thier lava into my bucket water, I'm glad to say that killed about 90% of them...or at least got rid of them, they arnt flying around my Grow room anymore.

I also took both my lights and flip'd their position, I'll have to upload a pic, NOW I not only dont have any dark spots but the over lapping light is ridiculous, I'm pissed I didnt start this way. I hated the Oracle hoods but now theyre alright, HUGE difference now that I switched them....and it was a bitch to do by myself but well worth it.

I also added CO2 bags today. I have no idea whats in them, looks like a mini compost but they guy measured the co2 before I bought it and it looked legit...I added 5 bags to my room

All and All the King is a happy camper again.

Thanks for the help! And thats not a bad idea, If I vibe with anyone from here I'll def do some field trips
No wonder you're having problems...15 different additives and ferts, As for the things flying around the room, you should check your roots, bet you got bugs in there too. KISS!!!