Weed Now £10 ($16) A Gramme In The UK - WTF!?!?


Well-Known Member
'gets you by' fuck, thats addict talk lol! but yeh iv been paying that for ages, i get top quality shit, and most fo the times its like 0.9/0.8 bags, sucks ass, but is decent weed i guess. Can get 'side grade' for like 1.5g 10s.


Well-Known Member
yeah it is but more then that it was just a saying that my friend used a long time ago to describe shitty weed.


New Member
i would spell it shwag but its pretty much stemmy leafy weed that dont get you high it just gets you by.
LOL that was the "weed" they were selling here then.. no wonder when I started growing shit look nothing like weed I use to buy.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I guess I am not sure what it is.. but "swag" people say. Is that just bad weed or trimmings or what..? Never been handed something or smoked anything anyone referred to as "swag"
SWAG = Stuff We All Get...aka nothing special aka Reggos aka ditch weed etc


Well-Known Member
Been like that here for months, hertfordshire
been like it for yrs m8 unfortunatly i also dont understand it op as all other drugs have come down in price in the uk over the yrs ok qaulity has dropped in pills n coke but they never been cheaper where as qaulity has dropped BIGTIME with weed but the price gone up????????


Well-Known Member
most of the stuff on the streets of the uk you americans would call dirt weed or schwag at very best??? in the uk we are still flooded with contaminated weed, sprayed weed to add weight n make it look crystally but its just glass or suger whatever they fucking spray it with but in my area im seeing people pay 190s for fucking spray!!! crazy crazy times in the uk for weed.


New Member
When I do sell my stuff since all they can get is 'Swag' here for the most part my stuff goes $25 a gram. when they try it they dont ever complain about the price, but that is rare as I usually need all I can get for me!!


Well-Known Member
Very true... pretty much the standard everywhere....
Some people expect to get more than that, like 25 or 30.... Id never but i know plenty that do.

yeah people pay 20 dollars a gram here all the time. If you aren't in a medical state, or have a good connect, that is pretty much a standard


Well-Known Member
Very true... pretty much the standard everywhere....
Some people expect to get more than that, like 25 or 30.... Id never but i know plenty that do.

that bud your getting is moved through so many ppl thats why its such a high price
In my opinion the prices have risen in London in particular because of the high rise on small grow-ops producing a couple of ozs of quality grade and charging 200-250 an oz, (partially to do with the contaminated products over the years and increased energy costs) I just picked up a 1.1g for £20, my last pick up ever at that price. The major problem is greed, it effects all of us and when the majority of growers sell for that price range, what is to stop the decent minded growers from charging a similar price? All the grower and dealers are really doing is shafting the consumer at the end of the line and either forcing people away from smoking or increasing the UK grow scene.

Its like the sub-prime housing market in UK, people are willing to pay more and more.... up to a point.


Well-Known Member
Just paid £70 for what was meant to be a quarter, weighed it and it just over 6g... so I actually ended up paying MORE than £10 a g!

However, turns out to be some quality shit though! Maybe this shows it's grown locally by someone who knew what they were doing....its even cured nicely.

Meeting up with a few old friends this weekend so I'll see what quality they're getting from their part of the country.


Well-Known Member
It's made me consider how much a few plants are worth nowadays... bloody shocking.

If it were fully legal - buy in shops, grow what you want - just like alcohol, how much would decent homegrown be worth? It would be like brewing your own booze I guess. You'd just grow a shitload and give it away, you'd exchange it amongst mates... no more payin through the nose for a relatively harmless herb!


Active Member
its standardly 20$/gram for anything worth smoking around here.always been that way..consider yourself lucky youve been gettin playa prices as long as you have.