Weed Milk


Active Member
After reading through various recipes it seems to be a common fact that milk will work when trying to extract thc from the plant. Usually i see this method because people are trying to make plain old tea and put a little milk in or else it wont work. But i am a fan of making my bones stronger as well as getting stoned! bongsmilie bongsmilie
So my question for you rollitupers. Is could i make a decently strong milk by just putting the weed into milk and simmering it. Also what milk would be best to use skim 2% or whole milk? furthermore whats the most concentrated this could get?...by this i mean can it only extract so much that if you put too much in it would just be wasted? ty
whole milk would be better because fat is the key

not sure on the concentration, but as with anything i'm sure there's a point of diminishing return