weed induced super powers?


Well-Known Member
i think i might posess healing powers like jesus...i had a strange epiphany the other night after smoking a fat j.. my pops was in the room lurched over and said his heart was hurting so i went to pat him on the back lightly you know to like comfort him...as soon as i touchd his back he let out a ginormous burp and said he was good lol...i know it doesnt sound amazing but afterwards he kept givin me wierd vibes like i saved his life...maybe i was just stoned or something...but i have also been known to recommend perfect home remedies for just about every ailment, and have been told my messages are orgasmic...i honestly think weed has helped me tap into my subconcious and provided me with the gift of healing..and if im really high i think im emitting some kind of ora or energy that heals whoever is in my presence...anybody else think they have weed induced super human abilities? and what are they?
in many amazonian shamanic cultures the indians use plants that they say teach them and help them heal others. this world is a strange place and i believe its completly possible.