Weed and panic/ paranoia/ schizophrenia


New Member
I used to get panic attacks all the time. It would drive me crazy, I blamed on smoking, weed, drinking, dairy products, but then I realized that I really hated my job, I mean truely hated it, I would wake up every morning hoping the building burnt down overnight. Once I quit that piece of shit job, I've never felt better. I have some stress about budgets and whats not, but the panic thing is gone.


Well-Known Member
i must say i panic like EVERY time on practically any weed............i know ive got some other mental issues with ocd and and anxiety, so its def not the weed...........but these problems really only come out when i get high, and after panic-ing so much, i kinda got used to convincing myself that being high was okay and nothing bad was goign to happen to me.................my stomach would practically lock up, and i would get all shaky, like a scared dog............of course it doesnt keep me from my habit.....:)......but it does blow balls.........you just have to get used to it if your one of those people like me..............and for all those losers trying to bash the herb with lies........well, im the "example" of someone who ALREADY has problems, and smoking ganja didnt CAUSE them, it jsut makes them blown up only while im intoxicated..................i think smoking may have actully helped me learn to cope with my illness by teaching how to deal with fear and paranoia, almost by crisis................and then in times when im not intoxicated i can deal with problems so much easier.............kinda weird how that works
To contrast what you said, no one ever suggests prohibiting alcohol again when someone who has a violent nature gets drunk and beats his wife. People just accept that the fool was violent, not that alcohol made him do it. Sadly the same logic doesn't seem to get applied to weed. People go out of their way to ascribe developing mental illness to marijuana use.


Well-Known Member
What an interesting thread. I was thinking about this the other day when I had a mini panic attack. The whole thing lasted about 2 minutes, but it seemed like a half hour. It came on when i got home from a friends house and was sitting alone on the couch. I recognized it for what it was worth and was able to "change it". It was in my head after all and was nothing more than some perceptions that could be controlled.

Interestingly, I had a similar trip on LSD in my youth that really soured that drug for me. Basically, it was a feeling like I all got it wrong and that I was focused on too much stuff. MJ feeling was very similar, but easy to distinguish as just a feeling amplified.

Reading what a lot of people have relayed here, it does seem like a lot of these "bad experiences" could be curbed or controlled with the proper shifting of focus or thought. It makes great sense to have someone experienced around when you first start, especially someone you can trust to be with you. When did this change?


Well-Known Member
According to my doctor, you can't die from a panic attack, just knowing that might help out.
You are correct, the panic attack is not going to kill you. The discomfort of the panic attack though certainly can outweigh the benefit of medical use.

When I had my experience a few weeks ago, knowing what it was made all the difference. It was easy to just treat it as another experience and move on. The point that it brings up is for those that do not see it for what it is. The potential to let the bad feeling run away with them shows why having a small group of understanding and caring people is good when beginning.


Well-Known Member
Theres a guy I used to hang around with when I was younger. His parents were old time hippies and instead of money as a weekly allowance they gave him weed. This guy was very very cool indeed. but over a few years you could see somthing changing in him. Today he's totallly schizophrenic, paranoid, and suffering with anxiety. He's an absolute freak. He's in and out of mental homes, he's left his own mother in hospital, done thousands of pounds damage to his council house. just Crazy. This is the only time I've heard of somthing like this though.

Myself? I'm still looking for a strain that doesn't make me paranoid. I only smoke by myself really. Only time I'm comfortable. But then again I have had past psychological issues and it runs in the family.