Weak / Mild Strains for true beginner smokers!


Well-Known Member
Ah-h-h-h-a-h! I remember the days of some awesome (land race) "Accopulco Gold". It was expensive and came in what we called Mafia Bricks (please, no offense meant). A lb. was compacted to a size of about 2" X 3" X 2"! Couldn't believe it; so small. As soon as air hit it, and with a little coaxing, it fluffed open and became a real pound in about 2 minutes. Anyway, great smoke, esp. when we were so new to this clandestine substance that was becoming the scourge of American youth... Typical street or underground sourced weed was $15.00 for three fingers in a baggie! A-h-h-h-h-a-h-ah... Those were the days...
So how does anything you have smoked lately compare with Acapulco Gold? I did not get it back then and mostly had the $15 type stuff. Have heard some people hallucinated on it or really tripped out. Heard the same of Panama Red.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
columbian gold was TRIPPY LIKE A MOFO! it was the very first thing i ever smoked even if it took me over 20 years to learn i wasn't smoking thai as told.

a copy and paste of the smoke report i posted on it that got moved because some efficious troll dropped a dime on it for not following the "paint by freakin' numbers" template...

a couple times in high school (ironic) i smoked weed but got nothing out of it, but after i graduated and moved "to the big city", my co-workers at a fast food restaurant were partying after work and talked me into blazing. the very 1st bud i smoked was real california trippy columbian gold. i tried to tell them it wouldn't do anything to me, but they persuaded me to give it a try. i also had a bottle of beer and THOUGHT i was getting drunk.

the dude that was blazing lent me his chromed brass piece and almost a gram as i drove back to the country on the highway. along the way, it started to rain a little and when i came up to a semi truck pulled over by about 8 cop cars, i was having a serious anxiety attack. "stay one the road! don't swerve! you're drunk and they're going to catch you with felony drugs! oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!"

i ended up cruising by them at around 35-40 mph and wouldn't you know that one cruiser slowly passed by me on each side, noob to getting high and still a new driver too, i was really freaking out imagining the worst case squared. i just told myself to stare straight ahead as the sandwiched me on both sides and not act suspicious. of course i couldn't help but glance left at one of the officers on my left and then the other on my right and tried to maintain my cool while sweating something fierce.

eventually, they just pulled on ahead of me and the rain picked up. i had a really good nervous laugh and by then, my buzz was really starting to pick up. the rain looked like glowing spears or laser blasts in my headlights.

along the way, i pulled into a small town's church parking lot and packed the bowl and took a couple more hits to get home on. when i did, i turned the TV on and the newscaster looked almost 3D, kind of like those old 3D plastic stickers with the ridges.

then, i went to listen to some tunes and WOW! i'd never been so into music before in my life. everything just felt more intense & "real". one particular song by OMD, dazzle ships" had this really big sounding godzilla type roar that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck & sounded like a giant right outside. i'd listened to it dozens of times and gotten bored by it, but that night i didn't skip tracks and it took on a whole new intensity.

after that, i blazed another hit or two and blew the smoke out my window and listened to a bunch of favorite tunes with my cheesy stereo speakers in headphone mode. i don't recall anything significant after that other than realizing i DID like weed afterall. not being able to get ANY bud remotely that good since everything turned annoying stony has also given me an huge attitude against greedy growers & dealers overcharging for inferior product. i was paying $40 a quarter to get high, then a year later, $50 to get stoned and pissed off.

another time when i was giving a former schoolmate a ride home that had been a head much longer i noticed that the wheatgrass swaying in the breeze looked like "weird headed aliens" marching towards the car. at first he just said i was fucking crazy and that it just looked like weeds and then when i re-emphasized WEIRD HEADED with the stalks being the necks and the leaves being arms, i think he heard monkeys chanting "ohh eee ohhh.... ohhhh eeee yoo!" and said "oh shit! you're right! it does look like fucking aliens! man that's some good shit!"

it pissed me off when that vanished to be replaced by nothing but sleeping pills that make you tardy. i used to like playing hookey opening another restaurant & watching MTV and scarfing the really good vanilla ice cream it had chanting "the mice will play while the cat is away" in my head while feeling like i was always walking downhill or even that my legs were helium balloons trying to float out from under me. THAT is why it's called "getting high". i'm positive!


Active Member
Sativa: Tikal from ACE seeds, warm happy uplifting sativa. (Two phenos though, no2 is more trippy)
Indica: Ortega Indica from Dutch Passion, nice mild stone, based on NorthernLights.