We all still here

I elected to get stoned for the second night in a row, figured what better way to send out the world than with a nice bowl. BUT we all still here. Look at us all. Nothing different. What changed? Why did we actually expect it to? I mean, even as a total non believer in that crap, I still at the back of my head feel a slight urgency about it, like, what if... even though I know the Mayans didn't really mean that and the exact dates are suspect, etc., but even still, we all feel a slight bit trepidatious (is that a word?) as the time approaches. Just what if? Just maybe? The same way even though I knew it was a book, I still almost expected that letter from Hogwarts on my eleventh birthday. I mean, I knew it wasn't going to happen, but even so, I couldn't shake a slight disappointment when I went to bed and the letter had never come. So I felt a similar, if negative, anxiousness a couple years ago when the Rapture was going to happen. I knew that was cook, I firmly believe God doesn't work like that, but even so, as the moment approached I actually found myself tingling as I stared at my watch. Like, just maybe. And here I was again, this time ready with some herb, for something I knew wouldn't happen, I knew I knew I knew, I joked about it like it was a thing, but I knew it wasn't, but I still felt a titch of relief when the world didn't end just now. Yeah... my legs and arms keep switching places.. I mixed tonight with some decent-quality Wild Dagga flowers, first experiment with them, not sure if it was placebo or actual effect.. Anyone else try this? Supposed to be an impotater or something, lol can't remember the word. Comes from latin though I know that, took it for three years and about to sign up for some college Latin. Oh man, I don't even know what's going on guys. I know you all think I'm trolling hard, but I ain't trolling, I rollin.. no, that's like meth right? not into that shit man, nope... or ecstacy, thats it. I'm not trollin though I'm for real. Yes officer I am very high. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo that says Die High.. Is that a thing? Because I was thinking last night, what if pot really was bad for you or something, would I still smoke it? And hell yes I would. Because I would rather have a short fun life than a cold, passionless old age.. Ergo (latin again) Die High. With like a pot leaf in the middle of the words.. Yeah.. That's good.. I get so stretchy, my limbs stretch through time you know>.
Yeah, the world is not over. That's what I was talking about. Tl;DR? the world is not over. Sigh.. Better luck next millenium