Ways to cope........


Well-Known Member
Hi All...it's been awhile since I made a thread but I just need to get some feelings out of my mind. I have been feeling very angry, very sad, & hopelessly depressed lately & I can't figure out why the feelings are so intense. I was diagnosed a couple years ago with clinical major depression but I don't know whether I believe that. I guess it's just that I'm lonley more than words can describe...don't know why either-I have loving parents & a couple nice friends. I guess I'm just ranting. Anyone ever feel so alone in a world with billions of people? Does it bother you? Perhaps I'm too sensitive?:sad:


Well-Known Member
That can get pretty rough I'm positive. It wouldn't be a matter of you being too sensitive, the only thing that would do is give you a higher EQ than not, make you more empathetic, receptive to feel. You could very well have a severe chemical imbalance, I really think you should get a second opinion on that.

I wont bother giving you my story, because there is no need. My story weighs more, is proportioned differently to myself then yours is to you, all that matters is a mutual understanding of this end concept I am speaking of, I can assure you if needed at all though, I too once through my massive apathy have felt similar sorrows.

But with that aside, do you know the purpose of being sad? the purpose of loneliness? loneliness can only weigh as much as you make it weigh, and I'm sure as that sounds nice coming from somebody else let me tell you, I used to suffer somewhat from the same thing, non chemically speaking. So I understand completely, nothing mattered, apathy sank its fangs deep into me, until one day I came to the realization: akin to all of life not mattering, work, education, the people around me, the things and events going on in my life, neither did my sorrow. Neither did my sadness, my apathy. When I truly understood that, I was able to get up and go outside truly for the first time in a while and experience it for what it was.

We give everything in life its own contextual meaning my friend, it's how you look at things and weigh them in your life that matters.

If you're lonely, become many, if you're bored with life, become active. It only matters when you make it matter, it only means when and what you make it mean.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the respones...I know I'll be alright it's just hard sometimes. I admit I love life & all it's beauty & constantly question whether it's something's wrong with me or the world I live in. Sometimes I walk outside & look around aimlessly & wonder if we're(humanity) ever going to change for the better.


Well-Known Member
Things are good because you say and feel they are good, just give it a try. Denounce the bad feelings, even if you're somewhat feeling them. It isn't lying to yourself, it's a matter of shifting purpose away from those negative feelings. Things start to feel more crisp and clean as time goes on you'll find. A light serenity. Not full blown euphoria or anything,
Serenity Diet lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanx DJBoxhouse...you seem to be positive minded & correct about methods to deal with things.
Thankyou to everyone else as well...I'm currently viewing the video.


Well-Known Member
If you've been diagnosed with clinical depression you should see a psycologist or psychiatrist, not necessarily to get medication, but you should be able to help it out by balancing your diet in a way that gives you the right vitamins,minerals,etc. to help balance out your neurotransmitters. something like that.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for posting The Secret...very insightful & interesting. Anyone else have any coping ideas?

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hey there Dfunk...
Everyday i feel so so lonely..i also got couple of good friends, but no girlfriend, and thats what is making me feel so lonely and depressed....Im also a little shy, so creating new relation ships is hard for me..the Mj eases that up, but still..i think a good way to cope is to have someone you can trust completely and who understands you-what you are, where you ar coming form and where are u heading....i sadly dont have that person and i feel fucking sad....

And that question, is humanity going to change for the better-I think not, cas we are too selfish to care about where we live-our planet earth...

Anyway, keep your morale up and if you can, find that special someone or something that makes you happy....:peace:


Active Member
It is wierd, in a world with so many people, that one can feel so lonely. I know what you mean friend I walk that road often. But, life has this funny way of knocking you down just to teach you how to build yourself back up. Catch my drift?


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling that...thanx again everyone for your positive encouragement-it's means alot to me.


Well-Known Member
smoke pot every day, several times a day, and after so long, you wont be depressed anymore.

you'll be making sense of your situation, and ready to change it.

cannabinoid receptors work with dopamine, serotonin, and several other neurotransmitters. if there's any way to make the levels of those chemicals reach equilibrium, its cannabis.

grow space

Well-Known Member
smoke pot every day, several times a day, and after so long, you wont be depressed anymore.

you'll be making sense of your situation, and ready to change it.

cannabinoid receptors work with dopamine, serotonin, and several other neurotransmitters. if there's any way to make the levels of those chemicals reach equilibrium, its cannabis.
Dunno about that....sometimes i smoke and yes, most of the times i feel relaxed and clear about my thoughts, but then again, it can bring me even deeper than i was...

if u only smoke and smoke and smoke, then your a bloody stoner....but this again all depends on a person who you are...I know a dude who has smoked a lot, like many years unstop, and that dude is burned out....