Watts per square meter


Active Member
Hi guys!
I've been looking around but I've been unable to find specifics on watts per meter.

Trying to calculate how many lights/watts I will need to apply for a room.

If I've missed an important post or sticky, please let me know and I'm sorry to waste your time.

I do have some questions, though. There are diminishing returns, right? LIke say...400 watts per square meter is less than twice as good (twice as much yield) as 200 watts per square meter? Yes? No? Is there a threshhold?

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Well, yes. There has to be a threshold. At some point the plants just can't take advantage of any more light. It's way the hell up there though, and i don't know what it is.

I have no idea about the diminishing results thing.

I've been told 150 watts per plant is a good baseline...