wats a good soil for seed starting


Well-Known Member
Either get their "seedling mix" or "seed starting formula" or whatever it's called or you can make your own by getting some peat moss and some perlite. Mix about 2 parts peat moss to 1 part perlite and you will have a decent seed starting mix.

Put the seed about 1/4" down. Keep the soil moist but not soaking wet.



Well-Known Member
"Soil" you buy at the home depot type stores ARE peat moss with perlite and fertilizers...sometimes wetting agents.

Seed starting mix doesn't have any fertilizer.

It IS peat moss and perlite.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
A "mixture" of what Philly said, not straight peat moss. Also check the local Nursery, see if you can get some 100" organic potting soil. Just follow what Philly said. I use a mist bottle to keep the soil moist. Either lay the seeds sideways or pointed side down when planting. Keep them in a warm spot. Just feel the top for moisture, and the weight will tell you later when water is needed. Hydro meter really isn't necessary.


Well-Known Member
I can understand, sometimes people (including myself) worry too much about all the little details, but it is best just to get going....although you will make a few mistakes you will learn and figure out what to do and in the end everything will be okay.

Are you putting the seeds directly into the soil? A lot of people use the paper towel method to germinate seeds and then plant the cracked seeds into the soil.

If you don't know about the paper towel method, you should really do a bit of reading before you plunge right into this, it will help you to avoid some simple mistakes that will end up ruining a grow.



Well-Known Member
ive been using the paper towel method i just got a root this morning.i guess i do worry to much but i only got 1 seed and it was from the best bud ive ever had.oh im growing in a cabinet thats 1.5'x1.5' and upto 5ft tall.with 2 cfl 100w equiv.soon to be a 150watt hps


Well-Known Member
Yeah, rainwater or distilled are your best bets. You may still need to use some ph down depending on your requirements, but if you are doing soil then rainwater or distilled should do just fine.

Your setup sounds good too as long as you can keep the heat down, which won't be a big problem, but just something to keep an eye on.


Active Member
i use rockwool i got at hydro/ organic store. works best of anything i have every used. i got 45 cubes fr 10 bucks