Watermelon Water bad or good?


New Member
sounds interesting i have no idea tho if its good or bad. Waiting to see what people have to say.(and the inevitable argument about it)


Well-Known Member
watermelon water huh? hmmmmmm someone should try it....i think it will kill them, but id like to know for sure


Well-Known Member
Lmfao...where do people come up with this shit. Two questions,what's wrong with good ol' regular water?
and how much watermelon do you fucking eat to be able to water a plant with it.



Active Member
It's awesome if you want your weed to smell and taste like watermelon. With some strains, watering with watermelon juice makes the flowers bright green with purple pinstripes. Just be sure to PH it first.



Sector 5 Moderator
It's awesome if you want your weed to smell and taste like watermelon. With some strains, watering with watermelon juice makes the flowers bright green with purple pinstripes. Just be sure to PH it first.

You realize you're starting a new marijuana myth, right? It can't possibly taste like watermelon because the plant does not uptake the sugars or watermelon flavor.

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
Try taking a bud just cut and trimmed and soak up all the water from the Mellon. Dont squeeze it out. Now let it dry. Very slow. After a week or so when it's dry put it in a jar to cure. Let me know.


New Member
Some organic tea makers will use grape juice to raise there brews pH . Watermelon is 98-99% water , how the fuck would this hurt anything even ripe with extra sugars ? We all have eaten watermelon in a yard and made a mess on the grass . Guess what ? It grew unharmed ..


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of watermelon drip irrigation. place the melon next to your stalk, poke a hole in the bottom of the fruit, and let it dribble...


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should get better genetics if you see it necessary to attempt to alter the flavor with watermelon juice. If your not trying to change the flavor molasses is a lot cheaper and will also provide sugars. Idk what your trying to accomplish though


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should do it an report back... One control, one watermellon.. Both clones.. Lets us know..

its like In middle school when you set up experiments.

"If you feed a marijuana plant watermellon juice, It will then grow better,and flower sweeter"

then test, test, test.. Identify variables.. So on an so forth

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
Here's a speriment for ya. Try dusting a watermellon node with pollen from a super male plant. See if it works. Also try bud grafting. Take a section off a female ( an obvious bud formation) and with a sterilized scalpel cut downward , like a slice a couple inches long. Make sure u go deep enough into the stalk to get the walls and plenty of cellular matter. Then remove the watermellon flower and again go deep enough into Mellon plant. Take some fine cotton thread and lash the bud section into the gash u made in the Mellon plant. It should take. That's how apples are grown.


New Member
This plant is in a 3g pot .pure creek dirt .watered with right ph water and since it has started flowering I've watered it so far 7 cycles of pure watermelon juice. It's small yes but its personal lol cant wait to try it out but the last watering I will flood it with juice. Never know ! Dont knock it to u try it lol