

Well-Known Member
what time of the day do you guys water you plants at? i always watered mine a few hours before the un goes down, i figure after a hot day they like to drink and cool off, i do it a few hours before so if i get the plants wet they dry off before night fall and it helps stop PM on plants, i did get PM on my squash last year near the end, ive read good and bad about watering in the evening. and i have also heard good and bad about watering early morning.
know i water a bit before the sun goes down and in mornings, i just water them based on when they look like they want water and how hot the next day will be so now i do both.

whats your guys take on it?

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I water my trees/plants just before or after the sun goes down. It's been getting over 110 here lately and that's the way the city/schools are dealing with it, if I water during the day the ground dries up in a few hours but if I water just before nightfall the ground is still wet the next morning.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I water them whenever. The pot will stay wet for days so i don't quite follow how it would make any difference, the time of day that is.


Well-Known Member
I water them whenever. The pot will stay wet for days so i don't quite follow how it would make any difference, the time of day that is.
well i am not in pots im in raised beds, but same difference i guess. the time of day can make a difference not necessarily in plant growth but in mold growth and what not that you dont want, watering in mid day on ahot day i know is a bad thing as the plants will wilt if not kept cool all day like using a drip line.

im just curious as to what others do.
my beds are some times dry at night so i water, sometimes they are still moist so i level them be untill morning and then give them some water cuz they will use most of it during the day


Active Member
i always water at night. i guess thats just when i started though when i first started this grow was at night. so i have heard mixed reviews of when to water i just watch my plant though if they look really dry in the middle of the day i dont wait til later that evening in just water them. now im sure i will pay a little more attention...


Well-Known Member
i water in the evening but you can water early morn ifit best suits. i hand water every 2 to 3 days once established. if sprinklers are used its best early morn before or right at sun up. gives the plants time to dry whats on their leaves before full sun. the pm on squash is normal as they always get pm, but has nothing to do with watering, fact is you can wash pm off n not hurt the squash. i plant sucessive plantings of squash n pull at 1st sign of pm. i fn hate pm... a 10% milk/water solution works wonders on pm if needed. use skim n it wont have a smell, its the fat that causes smell.


Well-Known Member
Water the plant till it soaks the soil around as well as under the plant.Water should reach to the root system of plant.Also ensure that your pot has good drainage system. Seedlings and new transplants should be kept well watered. Once plants mature, they need less water.Check the plant and water it accordingly normally early in the morning.Avoid over watering which may lead to fungus infection on plant.

Im pretty sure most plants use more water as they get older/bigger, not less ;)


Well-Known Member
I understand the heat dilemma, and raised beds drain well so in the heat I water everyday. Its a lot of water, so I try to keep the water off of the plant and just water the soil where I can.
Watering in the evening does allow the soil to stay moist longer however any water on the plant remains over night and encourages fungus, such as Early Blight, also know as the son of a bitch. Watering early in the morning allow the water to soak the soil but the plant drys quickly.


Well-Known Member
i water my raised beds every 2-3 days depending on temps. i water my tom and my sqaush beds muss less offten then i do on my lettuce,cucs, carrots and all the smaller stuff, i water almost every day, the surface seems to dry faster cuz theri is not much shade from bigger plants, like the squash and toms. so i water one in the morning the toms, and one in the evening the small veggie bed


Well-Known Member
i just water them based on when they look like they want water and how hot the next day will be so now i do both.

whats your guys take on it?
I think it's your garden and no one knows it quite like you do mcpurple.
And after seeing all those pix and all that work you did to produce all that food I'm friggin impressed
Who am I to say when YOU should water
I was always of the impression that when plants need water they need water. Shouldn't matter when. Day, night or in between. Nature does it that way. I'm ashamed that now all I can grow is weed. I used to have a huge veg garden and gave away tons of produce. Now I can't even till the soil without a couple percocets and a tramadol back. Pain sucks.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind comments DB602. i didnt really want info on when i should water just wanted to hear what others do and maybe get some facts about watering. i have found and read that watering near sunset is best though or a few hours before it gets dark if possible, because the plants use more of the water when the sun is down, people tend to think roots stop working at night but in reality this is when they are most active supplying the water to the plant preparing it for the hot days and also up taking nutrients.

sorry to hear about the back pain to man, i know how it is. i broke mine in 2 places a few years back now, i dont like pills so i smoke a lot, the first three years of pain i used nothing so i am getting some what used to the pain, and i have a high tolerance for it


Yeah my garden i dug out because the dirt here contained allot of clay i threw in some baggs of ocean forrest and black gold so it wouldnt be so badd and it would soak up more water but i still go by the rule of thumb i stick my finger in the dirt about a inch an half and if its still wet just wait till then next day but that was in the beginging of the year now my plants are bigger and i feed them about 2 gallons of water a day because here my plants go through triple digit heat but lately its been 98, 99 ........so watering really just depends on how big your plant is, size of pot, and where your growing site is located their are many more factors so its basicily up to you to check how much water they need, you could always buy a meter but shit my grandpa has been doing everything by hand since he was a child the old school way so thats how i do it .... well good luck


Active Member
I water in the early morning as the sun rises. Herbaceous plants such as cannabis can only "drink" water while photosynthesizing. They need to sun to drink.