watering with carbon water?


Active Member
hey fellow roll it uppers, i have a question on watering your plants with carbon water. my brita filter says to run water through it a bunch of times before you first use it, the end result is this dark grayish water that they say you can use on your house plants. basically im wondering if this would be good for my plants that i have flowering right now, any input is appreciated, Thanks!


weeds pretty resilient so it could be worth a shot. who knows u may find something magical in tht setup haha


Well-Known Member
Its only carbon. It will help to break down any uncomposted organic material you have in your medium.


Well-Known Member
yeah its not gonna hurt your plant, just use it.. i did that with my brita water


prebs did u notice a differecne tho. like the lants had a change in growth rate or something. or any kind of benefit. or better yet has anyone done a test of some kind.
good luck smoke- pc