Watering ??'s


Active Member
Once I get the Tiger Bloom and add that to my water, do I use that mix every day, or every other watering? and does the water need to sit for a whilebefore being given to the plants?


Well-Known Member
You can use TigerBloom at every watering at half-strength (about 2TBSP per gallon). But you should definitely NOT be watering everyday. Every 4-5 days is more appropriate. The soil needs to dry out almost completely before watering again. The water only needs to sit out if you are using tap water (which you shouldn't be) so the chlorine evaporates. And once you add the nutes to the water, you need to balance the PH so your solution is between 6.2-6.5.


Active Member
So I need to make a seperate mix of H20 with Grow Big/Tiger Bloom/Nitrex/Super Thrive/PH Down, and one mix of H20 with just Tiger Bloom? And alternate waterings between the two?

Do you rec just mixing gallons and keeping them in milk jugs? Its difficult going into my closet with gallons of water, lol thought there might be an easier way, some sort of bucket wiht a pump or hose?

What else would I use other than tap water? Bottled Water?

A PH water tester does that work the same as the soil teste? I have never seen one at the store, do I have to test my water everytime before making my mix?

I'm new to all of this so everything you are saying is completely brand new to me, thx for all your info!


Well-Known Member
So I need to make a seperate mix of H20 with Grow Big/Tiger Bloom/Nitrex/Super Thrive/PH Down, and one mix of H20 with just Tiger Bloom? And alternate waterings between the two?

Do you rec just mixing gallons and keeping them in milk jugs? Its difficult going into my closet with gallons of water, lol thought there might be an easier way, some sort of bucket wiht a pump or hose?

What else would I use other than tap water? Bottled Water?

A PH water tester does that work the same as the soil teste? I have never seen one at the store, do I have to test my water everytime before making my mix?

I'm new to all of this so everything you are saying is completely brand new to me, thx for all your info!
with fox farm nutes i just mix all three of them with water. you shouldn't have to make two separate jugs.

there are some people on here who use bottled water, or you can get a filtration system for your tap, or just leave the jug of water open for a day so the chlorine evaporates.

if you get a pH tester measure the pH of your water several times and get an accurate average of your tap water's pH.


Well-Known Member
Another alternative is rain water. It costs nothing, is free of chlorine and the pH will probably be closer to what you want.