Watering/ please help me< my fellow smokers.

i have three plants that just sprouted about 4 days ago, i dont know how often to water them, im growing them outside in flower pots, unless it storms and then i bring them inside to save damage to my baby's. how often should i water? how much water? and what should i do about letting them get rain?

Thank you.


Active Member
well i start out giving mine about 500ml of water when they are under 2ft. then gradually increase to 1000ml throughout the veg cycle and throughout the budding phase. right now i am flushing with fresh water at around 1500ml. i water every 3 and 4 days. keeps things easy to monitor. i do every tuesday fresh water and saturday ferts. good luck. you should give enough for it to remain wet for 2-3 days but it has to dry up after that and be ready for another watering. just my 2 cents. happy growing.
thanks man, how about this. i put about 8 Jars out into the rain today, and let them fill uup. would it be wise or better to water my plants with this rather than tap water, i thought it would be... i mean wild plants love rain water right?


Well-Known Member
what do you have to lose? grow the suckers now and see where things stand in november. if they are in full sun, you might get something out of it--an education at the very least. then bring the plants indoors when it gets too cold. the plants will be really confused-should make for an interesting high.

rain vs. tap water makes no difference.


Well-Known Member
um don't think that's the way to learn. Most mj growers know you need more then 12hr of light to veg. But what the hell. They might grow a little.
what do you have to lose? grow the suckers now and see where things stand in november. if they are in full sun, you might get something out of it--an education at the very least. then bring the plants indoors when it gets too cold. the plants will be really confused-should make for an interesting high.

rain vs. tap water makes no difference.

1. if they turn out to be girls, yet dont bud before the cold flys in, can i make hash with em?

2. If they turn out to be male, but have a great deal of trichomes, can i make hash? iv got three growing now, and the seeds came from a great batch of outdoor heds.