Watering new clone


New Member
Recently bought a clone, was wondering how often I should be watering, I planted 2 days ago and haven't watered yet cuz the rockwool cube was very moist when I planted. I over watered my last clone to start with and then my cat broke the stem and now that clone is pretty much dead. So I don't want to over water again.

My tap water has a ph of 7.8, I bought some Clorox ph down for spas, I tried to find liquid but I could only find ph down in like a crystal form. The directions are something like a tablespoon per 50 gallons or some crazy amount. I just add a few granules to the water and test with one of those ph tests strips, are those even reliable? Anyways I've been trying to bring the ph down to 6.2-6.5. Should I be doing something different?


Well-Known Member
there will be about 5 guys that tell you to pick the pot up to see how heavy it is and water when its light. a couple more people will suggest to stick your finger in it to check how wet it is. one person will tell you to use one of them cheep water meters to tell how wet it is. a couple people will be sure to quote others that have posted a suggestion just to mention how fucking stupid and ignorant their suggestion was. at this pointe the thread derails and burns to ashes.


Well-Known Member
Use vinegar for your ph down. And baking soda for ph up if you have nothing else. As for when to water.... see above lol