
ok i am new to growing i had a few plants and they died in transplant not good enough soil......well i started 48 more and got 40 to sprout they are now 3 day old sprouts. my ? is i feed all 40 together 24 oz. of sugar water.....why sugar water...i researched and sugar water will make the plants take more nitrogen....is that true....and is that enough water in a 24hr. cycle? and to get surroundings its indoor... soil (peatmoss base) my light cycle is 18/6 day/night...when do i start to give them fert.? and is that a good light cycle....oh and the soil stays around 70deg.F. and air temp is 76deg.F. .........when i do start to feed them fert. does anyone suggest a good soil fert.? thanks for any help :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Grow Big is a good fertilizer to use during the vegetation cycle.
Fox Farm Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom are good fertilizers to use during the flowering cycle.
Sugar water is not a good H2O supplement anytime.
ok so sugar water is out...lol am i also giving them to much water? when should i intro. the grow big? and this might be a dumb ? but during flowering would i use both big bloom and tiger bloom or just one or the other?.....thanx


Well-Known Member
Watering should only be done when the plant needs water. Heft the container when it is pretty dry to get a feel for what it would weigh when your baby is in need of watering. My plant is in a 2.5 gallon container and she needs water about every 3 days. Today is the third day, but the container still weighed too much, so she will get watered tomorrow. Better to underwater than to overwater. If you underwater, your plant may droop a bit and will then recover when she is watered. If you overwater, you will kill her. When watering, you should slowly pour the water over the entire surface of the soil until you see runoff in the tray under the plant. The reason I say pour slowly is so the water will mostly be absorbed by the soil and not be running so swiftly that it pours right through and into the holding tray.

Grow Big should be introduced a few weeks into the grow during the vegetation stage. Best indicator is by looking at your plant. If she is in need of nutrients, she will lose color. Of course, she will still be green, but the shade of green will get more and more pale if your soil nutrient level is not sufficient. Reciprocally, if she is getting darker and darker green, you may be overdoing the nutrients. A good, deep shade of green is desired.

As for Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. I use the Big Bloom when moving to flowering stage and then switch to Tiger Bloom when she shows. This is what I do, but I would imagine that switching back and forth between Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom would be fine.

When using nutrients, be sure to go softly. Always start by using much less than what the manufacturer suggests and work your way up to a stronger mixture. Better to undernute than to overnute.

Now, for the sugar thing. I do use molasses. During the flowing stage, I use a teaspoon of molasses for every gallon of water and only use molasses every other watering.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, skip the sugar water, it's not necessary and will probably do more harm than good. You can start feeding them at about 3 weeks,(1/4 strength, at first) as long as they are growing well(like 8" tall). If they are still small, make sure you have sufficient lighting(critical), and don't give them any nutes until they are big enough to require it. Don't let the get excessively dry, and don't keep them soaking wet, and they'll do fine. Also, adding like 10-20% perlite is good insurance against overwatering. Drainage is everything.
thank you all for the help all is needed........ the plants are now 5 days old..... lookin pretty good just wish they was farther along....;)