Wasting customs time...


Well-Known Member
So I get a lot of these netflix envelopes and I always end up rolling a few blunts on them and have a bit of weed left over that sits on it until next time I roll a blunt. That means I'm sending these envelopes back in that stink like pot. I was wondering how much the smell actually matters, how many of the packages going with in the united states actually get sniffed by dogs and wouldn't this set the dog off? there is usually some that's ground into the envelope before it's sent back.



New Member
Just use a plate...or a frisbee. Or get a grinder. I wouldn't worry bout dogs sniffing your Netflix movies and a no-knock being served though. ;) think about drug residue on money...and its in all our pockets...


Well-Known Member
I use a magic bullet for a grinder just end up using these because they are always on my living room table, and I'm not worried about it, just wondering how much screening packages and mail really go through.
If the width is less than 1/4 inch then it is classified as a letter and is not searched by usps, just sorted and sent. I have also been known to do this


New Member
I don't think theres that much screening going on. They probably run the dogs every hour or something but other than that I doubt they do too much. This little amount and the amount of mail there is, isn't anything to worry about.


Active Member
As I understand it the machinery that processes letter like mail (I'm assuming those netflix senders fall into that category) don't get screen by dogs because running the dogs over them while they run would be dangerous to the dogs. I doubt they periodically bring the entire postal process to a halt just to send a sniffer dog over all the letters on the line. If it gets flagged they will scrutinize it but otherwise the detection rate is quite low. Those netflix senders are unlikely to get flagged because they do not appear suspicious at all (small, used by known company, etc). Unless the odor is noticeable to anyone handling the letter I don't see a problem with the residue.

If you want to fuck with customs then the criteria for suspicious packages are all over the internet. Just follow those guidelines and you can be wasting their time in no time.