Was Up Im Hippie Can Some1 help me & See How I Am Doin???

Just Need Some Help On This plant to see how it looks..... i have started my flowering stage 12/12...... (Sorry My Pics are shit its the best i can do for now)


Active Member
it looks pretty healthy what kind of soil? light? and how long has it been growing? and do you know what strain it is
Heres Some Updated Pics With a Better Camera.... Looks Like Some Flower Activity... Are These Good Signs?????



Well-Known Member
Dude bring that light down a bit ..your plant is stretching ...you will get better buds if you dropped down that light..

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
First of all, high lights = lots of stretching. Get those lights as close as the plant without burning. This usually tends to be 6''-12'' depending on ventilation between light and plant. I found that it usually takes 14-21 days of 12/12 lighting to have sex shown. The day you seee your first white pistil is the day flowering has truly begun. Expect to be growing for another 60-70 days after that. Keep up on veg nutes (N) for at least the next couple of weeks as she will still be growing. Once vertical growth has stopped you can begin your flowering nutes. Keep it light on the nutes to avoid nute burn and you should be fine.

They look healthy and are well on there way to being beautiful girlies. Also make sure that your pH is good (6.5ish in soil) and that there is COMPLETE darkness in the 12 hours of dark. If all that stuff is going well then she should show her sex very soon. Be patient, it's worth it!
Alight man thankxs for the info..... but i was confused on this part ( Keep up on veg nutes (N) for at least the next couple of weeks as she will still be growing. Once vertical growth has stopped you can begin your flowering nutes. Keep it light on the nutes to avoid nute burn and you should be fine.) Can u explain this ....sorry im very new to this!
Took some updated pics for u guys to look at....looking good so far lol i hope man.... i missed 4-20



Active Member
That thing is too far away from the light. Also, I can't say for certain because your pics are all out of focus, but I think that might be a male. Try taking more pics, but this time use MACRO mode on your camera, usually there will be a button with a flower on it, and that lets you take pics close up.


Well-Known Member
cant tell for sure but flowers looks like pollen sacks.. take a closeup of a "bud" and we can tell for sure. also its really strtching towards the light, needs to be closer


He is saying to use some nutrients with nitrogen(N) in them. If you go to a local garden center they should be able to help you out. There are nutrients for more things than you can imagine. So each stage has a line of nutes that provide your plant with everything it needs to maximize your growth.

Keep up the good work and keep asking questions.

EDIt: Didn't see those last pictures as stated it looks the worst. Keep at it though failure teaches you what you need for success.


Well-Known Member
100% male, guaranteed. Cut him down before he ruins all the women!

EDIT: They all look like males now that I check again.