Was this due to heat stress?


Well-Known Member
Day 46 since 12/12 flip.

10-15 days ago i started noticing some fan leaves being of a pale green/yellow.

I realized the HPS was too close.

Since the colour didnt become green again, and the plant on the back got the edges pointing up, but seems to be doing well overall.

What are your thoughts?
Could bad nutrition have something to do or irs more about the enviroment?




Well-Known Member
Theres a bit of heat stress there. But nothing serious has your buds don't seemed to have bleached. But towarscthis time depletion of nitrogene also happens so the heat stress might have boosted the effect. Not sure. I'd live with that without to much worry. If it thesent degrade past this point you've hot enough leafs to pull thue. Burt yeah you can see light burns on some of leafs. But nothing to if this is a from a few week ago.


Well-Known Member
I might consider heat stress if you gave some sort of growing temperatures...but...to me, your plants look good. They're looking spot on for plants 46 days into flower. You should start seeing a natural fade and that is what I believe you're dealing with. I wouldn't sweat it....you're in the home stretch. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Peak temps where about 95F/36C only on certain days and because of proximity of the HPS.
My temp sensor is cheap and i dont trust it too much. Sometimes i used the sensor of my digital multimeter and readings werent the same.

Leaves didnt get worse over time so i lean towards too much heat/light on certain moment.

Reached max dose (almost 1000ppm) of my nutrients this week, ive been ramping up the feeding but never gave full strength up to now. Pale green leaves appeared before this ppm levels on nutrient solution.
Tap water ph is about 6.8-7.2, never adjusted it.

Thanks for the answers.
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