WARNING!One bulb 42w warm CFL grow!WARNING

Gracias Amigo. Damn dude i must be blind lol .Sending you good vibes on your grow. I never cought your goal do you expect to get some smoke or are you going into this as an experiment ? Im sure you will get something but how much will be interesting.
You know what, that's a damn good ?

I really am expecting some good buds tbh, I would be pretty happy with anything over a quarter truthfully. I mean this is more of an experiment to see will I be able to do this properly. Kind of a test run you could say?

I am sure the deeper I get into it I will want to try new things, add more lights, nutes try different soils and all the different types of strains.

I am kind of just letting this one roll on, the more I wait though makes me think, hey should I just say fuck it and let it go as is and do a journal on it. Or I may just have to keep adding on as I feel needed.

Not really quite sure as of right now.

If you keep checking up I will keep everyone up to date on how this turns out!


YES, that is why I said an eighth or 3.5 grams. Some people do not used eighth in measurement i.e. people in Europe.
And yes, my buddy at 18 yrs old living in his mother's basement grew a plant out under a few large twister bulbs, and all he got was an eighth of leaf and spindle. What I'm saying is it is not much fun when harvest time comes, at all.

And no you're right you are not a newbie/rookie/beginner without actual growing experience. You're just somebody that has read up on a topic.
It is kind of like someone saying "I'm not a virgin, I read all about having sex. I know all the moves, so i'm not technically a virgin."

After your first harvest successful or not, you could then at least say you're someone that has grown to fruition.

Again it is like people that buy a guitar and played it once or twice and then never again. But if you ask them if they play guitar, they will say "yeah, every now and then", but they don't really play guitar.
Many people start a seed or get a clone, things go bad and that is the last time they try that. So to anyone that says I'm not a complete beginner because he/she read up on it before they attempted it.

I say Yes sir, in fact you are the definition of the word newbie/rookie/novice. But good luck.

PS. to whoever is suggesting 65w cfl. 2 x 65=130, Why not just get an 150w hps and actually get a yield. If your using 4x65w cfl's then yo could be running a 250w hps and actually getting 4-5 oz. But yeah low budget, means low budget buds, buddy. LED's, hid's or the sun.
I would take your own advice just because you play a electric guitar doesnt mean you can play a ukulele and it also doesnt mean a ukulele cant make sweet music. Lol low budget equals low budget buds sounds more like ignorant comments equals no good advice.


Well-Known Member
To say this as nicely as possible...this is far from an original grow set up...almost every teenager who has tried to grow has tossed a seed in some dirt inside a cardboard box under a crappy light.

All seedlings on their first set of leaves look great because they are feeding themselves with their cotyledon. You don't need Epsom salt or any fertilizer at this stage..it's actually counter productive...you will absolutely need more than molasses for flowering if you make it that far.

One mistake all new growers make is paying too much attention to their plants...and in a pot that big for a seedling you prob don't need to water but once a week.

Flipping a 3 week old plant to 12/12 won't really do anything. A plant must reach sexual maturity before it can flower which is evidenced by alternating branching or pistils. Under a 45 watt cfl your plant prob won't even have branching at 3 weeks old.

I wouldn't expect even a quarter off your first grow..then if you get it it'll be a nice surprise..in all honesty if you make it to harvest on your first grow..that's an accomplishment...no matter how much you've read.

Ok now with that said...since you have height issues once your plant has 3 to 4 sets of leaves I would gently tie it so that it's horizontal in your pot..with the top facing the side of your container and every time it starts growing vertically tie it back down...once you have branches start tying them in the same way.if possible like the spokes of a wheel so that your branching covers the entire surface of your container. This will ensure that all of your nodes are level with each other which is very important with low levels of life...

..if you want to try growing as,simply as,soil but with passive hydro check out my World of Hempy link below..this method is very easy and has fantastic results.

Good luck
Hey SHIVA, thanks for the comment. and yeah I am certainly going to LST this for height reasons. I am happy you brought up the fact that regardless whether I put the lights into 12/12 she won't flower until she is ready. I know this isn't the best system I got going on right now but hey, it is what it is. Do you recommend me topping her?

Also since I am only using a 45w and a 13w would you recommend that I leave lights on 24/0 for longer than two weeks?
I am sure it could use the light.
Or rather do I need for her to get rest?

I will be happy to make it to harvest, and honestly I am thinking about trying to cut her life span short?
Maybe then I can have a couple buds to smoke by my birthday of my first home grown batch.

Any tips and advice is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
20/4 is a good schedule. Some say darkness makes roots grow. Instead of topping I super crop which is taking the stem right below the very top of the plant or if LSTing the apical meristem..whichever the lead shoot is...pinch lightly and apply increasing pressure until you feel a slight crunching then lightly rub your fingers together with stem between them...this damages the plant enough that growth hormones are diverted to the lower branches with the benefit of the top healing and continuing to grow. This works very well combined with LST. DON'T top or do this yet..your plant is too small.

Once again read World of Hempy..a lot of insight there...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Subbed and feel free to check out my grow threads.

My setup for CFLs works pretty good and I keep track of my changes in lights, nutes, and problems. You can definitely learn from my successes and mistakes.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I suggest you double your wattage for 12/12. That is what I do. I figure they are getting less daytime hours so I should pump them as full as possible with light during that time.


Well-Known Member
I would take your own advice just because you play a electric guitar doesnt mean you can play a ukulele and it also doesnt mean a ukulele cant make sweet music. Lol low budget equals low budget buds sounds more like ignorant comments equals no good advice.
That doesn't even make since, if you can play a guitar then YOU CAN PLAY a ukulele. An ukulele is only four strings and is finger and chorded the same as a guitar. So yes, anyone that can play guitar can play ukulele, banjo(slightly different fingering and picking) bass, and many other stringed instruments. But I mean REALLY play guitar, not just being able to play a nirvana riff or some chords to "semi charmed life".
And I don't think you read what I wrote correctly, I basically said some people are posers and will give that shit up but tell people they still do it here and there.

I was honestly trying to give the OP the heads up. Thinking that he is going to get a quarter of a 43w twister bulb cfl is just ridiculous.

I started out the same way with twister bulbs and a 100w cfl from home depot, to veg with, then I read up and move to a hid(good set of t-5's or led's also). But my buddy was stubborn and continue to flower his under two 65w hps lights he got from a hardware store. So he had 130w, I think like 8500-10000 lumens total, and pulled a quarter of some mediocre buds(resinated but wispy and leafy), but at that time we thought was good. But for all the time wasted and money spent he could have bought an ounce.

You maybe $7 into it now but the thing has barely even started. I mean good luck, what's the worst that could happen.
So what your saying is... if I grow this plant successfully and make it through to harvest, that means I can "play the guitar" ay?

That doesn't even make since, if you can play a guitar then YOU CAN PLAY a ukulele. An ukulele is only four strings and is finger and chorded the same as a guitar. So yes, anyone that can play guitar can play ukulele, banjo(slightly different fingering and picking) bass, and many other stringed instruments. But I mean REALLY play guitar, not just being able to play a nirvana riff or some chords to "semi charmed life".
And I don't think you read what I wrote correctly, I basically said some people are posers and will give that shit up but tell people they still do it here and there.

I was honestly trying to give the OP the heads up. Thinking that he is going to get a quarter of a 43w twister bulb cfl is just ridiculous.

I started out the same way with twister bulbs and a 100w cfl from home depot, to veg with, then I read up and move to a hid(good set of t-5's or led's also). But my buddy was stubborn and continue to flower his under two 65w hps lights he got from a hardware store. So he had 130w, I think like 8500-10000 lumens total, and pulled a quarter of some mediocre buds(resinated but wispy and leafy), but at that time we thought was good. But for all the time wasted and money spent he could have bought an ounce.

You maybe $7 into it now but the thing has barely even started. I mean good luck, what's the worst that could happen.
Also, just wanted to state that your giving inaccurate data, first it was an eighth now it is a quarter? which was it an eighth or a quarter? did he play ukelele or guitar? was maybe the fact that his hps were too far away from the plant? what was his medium? what kind of nutes was he using? what was his strain? how long did he veg? how long did he flower? maybe you guys are the ones who say they play guitar, but really only picked it up once or twice? what color is the sky? how much wood COULD a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck COULD chuck wooD?


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was honestly trying to give the OP the heads up. Thinking that he is going to get a quarter of a 43w twister bulb cfl is just ridiculous.

I started out the same way with twister bulbs and a 100w cfl from home depot, to veg with, then I read up and move to a hid(good set of t-5's or led's also). But my buddy was stubborn and continue to flower his under two 65w hps lights he got from a hardware store. So he had 130w, I think like 8500-10000 lumens total, and pulled a quarter of some mediocre buds(resinated but wispy and leafy), but at that time we thought was good. But for all the time wasted and money spent he could have bought an ounce.

You maybe $7 into it now but the thing has barely even started. I mean good luck, what's the worst that could happen.
First grow I pulled ounce and half off of 180w of cfl. 2week veg

Second grow I pulled 3 and half ounces off 276w of cfl 3weekveg

I expect I will get at least four ounces this go round with 276w of cfl. 6weekveg
^ women lie, men lie, numbers don't lie!

I have done quite some research now, and I'm coming to realize, when doing cfl's properly you get a decent yield maybe not great but decent, (been seeing some 1/2 pound+ on you tube)

Although the buds seem to be much, much frostier IMO.

Right on Flaming Pie, I will deff be checking up on your journal I like what you have going on!

Respect brotha!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you can figure how to rig the lighting right (and don't burn or stunt your plant) your yield will increase with the veg time.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
^ women lie, men lie, numbers don't lie!

I have done quite some research now, and I'm coming to realize, when doing cfl's properly you get a decent yield maybe not great but decent, (been seeing some 1/2 pound+ on you tube)

Although the buds seem to be much, much frostier IMO.

Right on Flaming Pie, I will deff be checking up on your journal I like what you have going on!

Respect brotha!
My journal has a nice light setup, but I have a better setup currently. One of those metal shelves hanging from yo yos with lights attached. Much easier to move up and down.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
My journal does contain alot of useful information tho. Both grow threads and my journal are worth reading in your spare time.
the suns free and much stronger then a single cfl.......??
Only issue for me is where I live is infested with humans lol! and last time I tried a outdoor spot from some bag seed, which I thought no one would ever find, a few weeks after I planted three of them. I came to find that they were chopped down. So I have lost faith in the gorilla grow in my neck of the woods!
Also I feel the way that I have utilized my lighting positions are working for me for the time being, I have them an inch - two inches away from the plant. My first two leaves span are about 2.5 inches wide. I am now seeing a couple leaves forming from new growth and all are looking very good for the time being. I am taking advice from chillnburn1 and giving my MILEY the TLC that she needs. Which would be much harder for multiple plants, but since I have one single plant in such a small grow space I think it is working. Also what I have been doing is not just reading up on cannabis. But reading up on plants in general, how they react towards things and all that other good stuff, I think what I have going on now will work, maybe if I had more lights with the blue spectrum I could see some quicker results during the veg stage. And I will look into adding extra lights for flower ( if i make it there )

All in all this is gained experience no matter which way it goes.

Though I will do my best to make it go accordingly!