WARNING: Dis-information Campaigns On The Rise, Read Here


Active Member
Hello, this is just a warning to everyone that the dispensaries and shops currently protected under state law are trying everything in there power to convince the public that prop 19 will take away benefits from medical users, this is incorrect and they are spreading dis-information and lying to you

Im not sure what kind of morals they have, but obviously they have none.

If you read this high-times article you see find that prop 19 does not take ANY RIGHTS away from medical users, it GIVES THEM MORE RIGHTS.

You can read that article here



Active Member
Unfortunately pro19 is written in such a way that cities and counties will be put in control. That means they could allow for growing distribution and sales to be at their discretion. Taxes and fees are also set at their discretion. The citizen voice to legalise and decriminalise is lost. Government taxes fines permits and such will be the new nemesis, this will also effect people that grow for nonprofit personal use under prop215. Its presents around persons under 21 year old gets you three to five years in prison.We need cannabis legalised unfortunately the schemers behind 19 are government and BIG BUISNESS. Prop 215 is good for now till something much better gets proposed.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately, you have no idea what you are talking about.

the law gives municipalities the control of whether or not weed is going to be sold in their county.

did you know that there are DRY counties in the US, where the sale, possesion, transport, and consumption of alcohol is ILLEGAL.

yeah, that's right. weed won't be the only substance in the US that will be banned in some places. it's just the way it is. some communities aren't ready for, or just plain don't want to legalize weed. this law makes it possible for those communities to keep weed out, while giving other communities the chance to welcome it.

needofweed seems to think that weed is somehow entitled to less government scrutiny than tap water. somehow he thinks that any sort of control, any sort of tax is wrong.

he then goes on to say that the law isn't PERFECT. that's why you should vote no.

it's possible to go into a Mac store, and leave with enough stolen merchandise in two hands to spend 25 to life in prison, depending on where you are. it's possible for me to kill a man for fun while videotaping it, i walk into a police station, confess, provide the evidence. i could then plead guilty to a lesser charge than murder, and spend less than 15 years in jail.

it's possible for me to kick a white guys ass and get a simple battery case. if i call a gay guy a faggot and slap him, it becomes a hate crime, and i could look at hard time. some places even identify you as a sex offender if you bother a gay person too much. it's crazy, but it's how it is.

LAW ISN'T PERFECT. that's why we have lawyers, and courts, and litigation.

if it was perfect, a computer would be able to tell you if you were guilty or not. but it's not.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Goddamn that stupid letter... so wonderfully construed. Epic propaganda - I mean, very few details, little reference back to the original legislation other than the "we didn't put it in the limitations part, nee ner nee ner nee ner."

"It's in High Times written by a lawyer, I can't understand what he's saying but I agree with him for some reason..."

I like how MILLIONARE DRUG DEALERS have tried to put every anti-19 persons' morals into question...classy, sycophantic scum.


Well-Known Member
I like how MILLIONARE DRUG DEALERS have tried to put every anti-19 persons' morals into question...classy, sycophantic scum.

Wait, so you think the people who profit off of prohibition are the people who want it legalized?

Talk about spin ....


Well-Known Member
Nick has sold out. He's too bright not to understand that what this is about a money and power grab.

He must be on retainer.

A shill.

A well paid cheerleader.