Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
day 90 and 41 into flowering DSCF2386.jpgDSCF2387.jpgDSCF2388.jpgDSCF2389.jpgDSCF2390.jpgDSCF2392.jpgDSCF2393.jpgDSCF2394.jpgDSCF2395.jpgDSCF2396.jpgDSCF2397.jpgDSCF2398.jpgDSCF2399.jpgDSCF2401.jpgDSCF2402.jpgDSCF2403.jpgDSCF2404.jpgDSCF2405.jpgDSCF2406.jpgDSCF2408.jpgDSCF2409.jpgDSCF2411.jpgDSCF2412.jpgDSCF2413.jpgDSCF2415.jpgDSCF2417.jpgDSCF2422.jpgRotation of DSCF2416.jpg She is a Jane Doe , I guess it's a sativa predominant. At the moment she is in treatment for Ca and Mg deficit + some nutrient toxicity. Gave her a flush and she is better/stable. Please tell me what do you think, how much longer. I am looking for high more then stoned. P.S. I have a microscope on the way. Thanks


judging off the number of posts you've both had, you know what you're talking about. but I've been taught to judge solely off of trich color. 15-50% amber. i read it in the bible too. I'm gonna wait a couple days and then leave her in 24 hours darkness. wish me luck, hope you're right :)


Well-Known Member
judging off the number of posts you've both had, you know what you're talking about. but I've been taught to judge solely off of trich color. 15-50% amber. i read it in the bible too. I'm gonna wait a couple days and then leave her in 24 hours darkness. wish me luck, hope you're right :)
Number of posts, etc, doesn't really make a difference to me...it's all about the experience man and how you convey that if you choose to divulge it.

But I digress.

It is important to note here that while trichome coloring and development is important, it is not your sole indicating factor in determining the true "ripeness" of a plant. I feel as though trichome development gets almost too much attention in both books and here on forums such as this.

Clear, cloudy, amber...it will all get you high and provide wellness to your condition...and the varying degrees of each are often overrated. A lot of it is true-- clear/cloudy trichomes will produce an often "up", more racy stone, when compared to a more amber-toned profile. However, often times these results are negligible, and the placebo affect remains quite strong with stoners. In other words, if we know that it is supposed to give us couch lock, it often will.

When I determine a plant, I look at numerous factors. Some of these is upper leaf curl, lower bud development, general look of the plant from a few feet back(i.e., Fdd2blk's "looks done" method), trichome development by eye/loupe/magnifier/electron microscope(i own a lab grade celestron actually with a USB imager for the sole intention of looking at trichomes), pistillate degree and color, calyx size, pistillate recession, water uptake, positive growth, fan leaf color, fan leaf condition, humidity levels, growing room conditions, days in flowering, etc.

So, suffice to say, trichome development is just a piece of a much bigger picture puzzle.

At the core of it, the plant is done when the grower says so. Nothing else to it. However, the signs of senescence are quite beautiful in the cannabis plant, and it should be recognized and appreciated as such. Merely looking at trichome development will not only give you just one piece of a bigger puzzle, but it shuts you out of the beauty of one of the best times in the plant's cycle.

Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Either way I have some serious yellowing going on..I think she needs some N bad, but most people say not to give them any during flower for heavens sakes look at her man...


Well-Known Member
thanks. It just seems like a lot of yellow...and she's been looking so good til now...lol. Thanks for the reassurance. and the time guess.


Well-Known Member
thanks. It just seems like a lot of yellow...and she's been looking so good til now...lol. Thanks for the reassurance. and the time guess.
have to disagree with legalize. Those should be healthier. Do you ph your water? ESPECIALLY when you add nutes, or if from an unstable source.

Id say roughly 3-4 weeks. Youll get decent bud tho.
sugar in my water? Hell no. Never heard of that.


Well-Known Member
have to disagree with legalize. Those should be healthier. Do you ph your water? ESPECIALLY when you add nutes, or if from an unstable source.

Id say roughly 3-4 weeks. Youll get decent bud tho.
sugar in my water? Hell no. Never heard of that.
honest, that plants hopeless. Id bet the ph is 4.5 in the soil.
At first signs of that, I do add veg nutes instead of flowering (grow big instead of tiger bloom). Same dose, diff rations (6-4-4 I think in GB).
A couple plants I have beed extra nitrogen.

Heres what id do. At lights off, spray dutchmaster reverse. Soak em, do that 3-4 times over a week or 1.5 week period. Before you do that, flush 3x the pots size in gallons of water. Just set it in the tub and run the water through. Then at the last gallon, do a nute mix and run it through (some nutes stay I think).

Maybe thatll make it long enough to be good.


Well-Known Member
honest, that plants hopeless. Id bet the ph is 4.5 in the soil.
At first signs of that, I do add veg nutes instead of flowering (grow big instead of tiger bloom). Same dose, diff rations (6-4-4 I think in GB).
A couple plants I have beed extra nitrogen.

Heres what id do. At lights off, spray dutchmaster reverse. Soak em, do that 3-4 times over a week or 1.5 week period. Before you do that, flush 3x the pots size in gallons of water. Just set it in the tub and run the water through. Then at the last gallon, do a nute mix and run it through (some nutes stay I think).

Maybe thatll make it long enough to be good.
i dont know what the fuck your talking bout. plants take energy and nutes from there leaves for the buds at the end of there life. but i do agree maybe 3 weeks and to check PH


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;7032823 said:
i dont know what the fuck your talking bout. plants take energy and nutes from there leaves for the buds at the end of there life. but i do agree maybe 3 weeks and to check PH
true. but I want my plants healthy 100% green until about 2 weeks til finish, maybe even one week (shes 3-4 out, maybe more). Rarely happens for me, but Ive seen it on here from some cats....


Well-Known Member
Looks like I may have to Ref this one for Legal and rock:)

Both of you guys are right here. She has started to draw residuals from her outer leaves...this is obvious. However, there are some severe signs of other things happening...wilting, rapid yellowing, etc. This could be a pH issue, it could be bunk nutes, it could also be a humidity issue, a overwatering issue, underwatering issue, etc.

Without truly understanding anything about what conditions the plant has been presented, it is difficult to simply look at a picture and say: Boom! That's your problem!

It would be dishonest of me and a disservice to you to tell you that I can accurately assess your plants condition by merely looking at a picture with no other information provided.

More information is needed to ascertain a better judgement. Hopefully you can provide some more!:)