Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
Here are my pics, how close am I to being finished?

Sorry that the picture of the main cola's is with the LED's on, I didn't want to take them all out again. :) (if you need me to i will)


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Hit with nutes 1 or 2 more times,however many waterings u can get in within 3 days then flush for 7 days with lots of RO or distilled water


Active Member
TO:OLD SCHOOL Start flushing now and pick in about 7 days.taste a crystaly leaf off top and if its bitter tasting theres still nutes in the plant if it tastes plain/like water its ready!Hope this helps


hey guys how can you make a plant turn purple i heard if you put ice at the bottom a of the plant at night it turns purple is it true???


Well-Known Member
Hey all!!
First time grower here looking for some input on harvest.
I bought a 16x magnifyer but its kinda hard to be sure.
Plants have been on 12/12 for 56 days.
Here are some pics.
I'd give it straight water for another 4-5 days. I still see some white hairs there.


Active Member
Well since it's already off the plant, I'd say dry it out. Why is it white?
That was just one bud that was a rough average of all the other buds. {I have been staring at it all day wondering what to do}
The Trics are milky but since its Jack Herer, I know it takes longer for the trics to change {although, I have also heard that the Indicas are more trichome predictable than sativas or some uber hi ends. {something about the sativas are slower to mature and trics change proportionally slower}

I am not sure what the white is - too much light and poor chorolphyl production? under the scope it looks unique and almost no spacing between the trics


Well-Known Member
That was just one bud that was a rough average of all the other buds. {I have been staring at it all day wondering what to do}
The Trics are milky but since its Jack Herer, I know it takes longer for the trics to change {although, I have also heard that the Indicas are more trichome predictable than sativas or some uber hi ends. {something about the sativas are slower to mature and trics change proportionally slower}

I am not sure what the white is - too much light and poor chorolphyl production? under the scope it looks unique and almost no spacing between the trics
I don't know, some more pictures of the actual plant with some closeups would help.


Well-Known Member
That was just one bud that was a rough average of all the other buds. {I have been staring at it all day wondering what to do}
The Trics are milky but since its Jack Herer, I know it takes longer for the trics to change {although, I have also heard that the Indicas are more trichome predictable than sativas or some uber hi ends. {something about the sativas are slower to mature and trics change proportionally slower}

I am not sure what the white is - too much light and poor chorolphyl production? under the scope it looks unique and almost no spacing between the trics
I don't know, some more pictures of the actual plant with some closeups would help.


Well-Known Member
Pic one looks like it needs at least a week, if not two.
Pic two looks finished to me, but it's just the top...
Pic three needs about a week
Pic four two weeks I'd say


Well-Known Member
Hi all I need an opinion on this plant of mine she's 5 weeks flowering allready and she vegged till she was 17" tall. Shes now 32" and 31" respectfully. What do you all think about 4 more weeks or so?

Peace out,



Active Member
Here's a few shots of my Bagseed, Chem Dawg & Grape Ape. They're in week 8 of flowering.

I have them all crowded under a 250 Metal Halide. The Grape seems to have responded the best, with big healthy buds all over. The Chem stretched quite a bit,(middle) but she has a nice tiara on the top :weed:

