Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


New Member
Whats the strain? i need a strain that looks finished in 6.5 weeks haha. I suppose the hairs look like they could change/receed more but yeh real close for sure.
Critical kush...og kush×critical mass....have one exact same age right next to it n looks abt a week behind maturity wise...but equally as dank....i researched n critical mass flowers in 45-55days....so that's where this ones prolly getting this trait from...they're supposed to b 8 week strain


hey guys, today is the big day , my silver haze #9 looks like ready for harvest ( 75 flowering days and about 3-5 % ampers) i think will be ok , today at 00:00 i will kill the monster P:


heyy I'm just wondering when i should start flushing? I'm thinking on flushing it real soon like in a day or 2 n then probe cut her in a week, but as u can see the bottom has just started flowering. i guess cuz half the plant first? it won't harm the plant right?
p.s the hairs have turned brown due to nute burn, it has been growing for about 7-8 weeks already, autoflwoering btwIMG_0180.jpgIMG_0179.jpgIMG_0178.jpgIMG_0181.jpg
S7300647.jpgS7300651.jpgS7300648.jpg first is the top of a side stalk, the second is the main kola, and the third is just to show how awesome a 50 cents magnifying glass is with a 7.2megapixel cam. any suggestions on when to chop her? thanks for lookin
Can anyone advise on cfl giant duel spectrum 125w for dwarf plant,or is 300w better,wanna grow auto's like LR1 or mystic blue,white dwarf,but have friggin hard water but not gonna use,can any1 link up & send me message 4 help if poss.Just bought weed & it makes eyes itch & ground glass feeling in throat-is it flushing or not curing?