Wanabe's Cfl Grow Check it Out


Active Member
update one of the seeds i had germed grew root so i planted seed coming out fuck yea
i saw another seed it had a root as well just smaller


Active Member
update the one i germed and planted came out also the other 3 i just planted came out pictures later


Active Member
i got 3 sprours now to are looking great one is ok but leaves look weird but its fast grower think i might kill tho killed 2 i didnt like already lol
pics tomarow i hope


Well-Known Member
lookin good so far... i will say however, this is def the most boring part of growing.. just sorta makin sure its alive and seeing small growth...


Well-Known Member
Hey Wanabe, I just wanted to check out your grow. When the girls sprout, it's the boring part until they grow out. Be patient weed will grow under the worst conditions. Get a small fan inside your grow cabinet. I fount a small fan with 2 speeds at Kmart for $7.