Walmart organics?


Well-Known Member
I want to go organic. I am a huge newb when it comes to this. I would like to get a mix where I could grow from seed to bud without adding much at all. I live in a small town and all I got it good old walmart. They have blood meal, bone meal, lime, worm castings. I was wondering if I could get a decent mix with these? Maybe add some of these to some miracle grow potting soil? I mean could somebody like give me a mix by percentage that I could work with. Oh, I think they may have peat moss and some other thangs. I don't believe they have guano and stuff like that though. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Your seedlings just need some good soil, with no additives.
1 bag Miracle Grow Organic Choice Potting Mix
1 bag Hyphonex (spell, look for the black bag)
1 bag Perlite

Divide this into 2 piles, a small one, and another twice that size. The small pile is for your seedlings and young plants. No additives in this one.

Add the following to the "big" pile; 1 gallon of the earth worm castings, 1/3 cup bonemeal, 1/3 cup bloodmeal, 1/4 epsom salt, 1/3 dolomite lime. This will be your "Hot" soil. It's got too many additives for new plants.

When it's time for your first re-pot, put a little bit of "hot" soil in the bottom. That way, as the plant grows it becomes accustomed to the nutrients.

When you repot the last time, before you flower, put a layer of "hot" soil in the bottom of your pot. Then mix the "hot" soil and regular soil 50/50 for a layer, and then plain soil on top.


Well-Known Member
I meant a brand of potting soil that they sold at Wal-Mart. I picked it because it had no added nutrients or fertilizers. Maybe what I was thinking of is hyponex then. I just wanted to list things I knew they carried at Wal-Mart.