Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Actually no, we're staying with my niece and nephew at the moment... enjoying some nice music and choofin'. bongsmilie

How did China go yesterday? Was she a hit?


New Member
Morning folks, wake and bake..... bongsmilie

Now, I wonder if you have any legal recourse. He obviously can't afford to buy your house, but he came in acting like he could. You should make sure to tell the police all of that.

If anything, you could go and egg his trailer.... :twisted:

Alright, the last on this mess of mine....Miss, I googled his name and it came up with his address. So I searched the property tax record for the address. He lives in a mobile home...WTF


Well-Known Member
OH Twisty! You are still waiting? I am so sorry. I wish you could come over and sit in the girlcave with me! I would smoke you out!:joint::joint:
I guess twisty didn't get lucky tonight...sorry twistyman.....8)
Holy crap.... quite an event... usually by 11:30 I'm in bed reading... last night I'm standing in Tim's (donut shop) ...
"No one said it was going to be easy soldier"................. Victory...bongsmilie

Morning Folks ..

Santa Berry and coffee ..

A good day all........ :eyesmoke:

Well, good evening Mr Vette... bongsmilie

Sweet. Ph03nix got auto logged out, so I logged in. Howthehellareyasall?:mrgreen:
Damn Aussies..:eyesmoke:.. How you guys been.. sorry I missed you....

Morning folks, wake and bake..... bongsmilie
Now, I wonder if you have any legal recourse. He obviously can't afford to buy your house, but he came in acting like he could. You should make sure to tell the police all of that.

If anything, you could go and egg his trailer.... :twisted:

Thats why sometimes paying an agent is worth it... if you get these yes/no iffy buyers.. agents deal directly with banks and buyers to get it done if possible.... Going to have to check their home before they see yours... "Nice cardboard box buddy.... get lost..!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Guys (and Girls who wish to be individualized but not in a sexist way), I really really hate paying for a supposed high bandwidth prepaid connection, but get relegated to dial-up ... well, actually gsm mobile speed because the supplied modem roams and there is no way to keep on the high bandwidth network!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK! It's like Computer geek hell!!!:cuss:

Oh, waked and baking at 10:13pm on Thursday night...damned Aussies hey Twisty!