Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Yea I have 1 more plant to finish outside .. Ive been moving it in and out everyday ..Fdd said that as long as it gets 6 hrs of sunlight a day and 12 hrs of dark it should finish fine .. So I put it out when its 40ish and take her in at dark..


Well-Known Member
We jammed and jammed some more .. It was sweet we made some hardcore music together ... I woke up stuck to the sheets ... and the dogs were just shaking their heads in disbelief ... Yea Im the ALFA DOG in this house
You know you've done good when the dog is cowering in the corner shivering...

Yea I have 1 more plant to finish outside .. Ive been moving it in and out everyday ..Fdd said that as long as it gets 6 hrs of sunlight a day and 12 hrs of dark it should finish fine .. So I put it out when its 40ish and take her in at dark..
Grow cabinet complete..now I'm moving shit out of a closet to make space for a couple of inside plants.... actually more space than I thought... only potential problem is that it's right in my hallway 3' from front door.... I'm lucky the landlord is cool about my growing....:p


Well-Known Member
You know you've done good when the dog is cowering in the corner shivering...

Grow cabinet complete..now I'm moving shit out of a closet to make space for a couple of inside plants.... actually more space than I thought... only potential problem is that it's right in my hallway 3' from front door.... I'm lucky the landlord is cool about my growing....:p
well put a bunch of smelly thing's around the door If your just doing a few plants the smell aint THAT bad ... I have 2 hijacks going in a closet at a friends summer house and when I walk in there I dont smell them till I open the closet door.. then I smell them


New Member
put ground cinnamon in a plug in potpourri pot with water and simmer just inside your front door. Put another in your grow room and one in the kitchen. Whole house will smell of baked goods. Helps the smell but makes the munchies worse. :bigjoint:

I bought a cinnamon scented broom at dollar general yesterday and the cinnamon is so strong that I had to put it outside the back door this morning.


Well-Known Member
Smell isn't a big problem... my place usually smells like a forest fire, its the light.. plus if un cool people are here I have to close the closet making heat an issue....


Well-Known Member
You still dry twisty? Damn ...
check out these pictures .. It'll keep your mind busy

Spicy Pictures
Shit I'm telling you the last couple of months have been like a BAD dream.. One connection (who I gave seeds to last summer) has moved
away... one took of with an OZ of mine and the last one is in the middle of a divorce and is going to the US to be with his tammy fay baker look alike... Fuck it's like a twilight zone episode here... I'm going to have to buy a gun and go dealer hunting.....




Well-Known Member
I have this plant left to finish .. I feel like a slave to it , moving it in and out , But hey .. I wont be complaining when Im smoking the bitch
